OHC Announcements 4/19/02


OHC Announcements 4/19/02

  1. There will be JK1 and JK2 tournaments tomorrow Saturday, April 20th which starts at 3:00 PM EST in #Obelisk. It will be a single elimination tournament with online brackets available as the tournament progresses. The settings will be full force sabers with a choice of levels between the Carbon Chamber and the Trial Pit for JK2 and Battleground Jedi for JK1. At least 8 participants will be required per tournament to take place. Medals will be the gold crescent for first place and the silver crescent for second place. CFs will be awarded to those that win matches just like a normal multiplayer competition. Please note that you can't play in both tournaments since they'll be going on at the same time. The host will be our new CoG OBM Sithspawn.

  2. I'd just like to point out to everyone that now that JK2 is out there is no excuse for not being able to recruit new members. Therefore, go to the zone or wherever and get recruiting. The weekly tournament(s) is a good way to get people to join the Dark Brotherhood, knowing that there is some nice activity going on.

  3. We now have a dedicated server just for the DB. If you'd like to play on it come to #obelisk for more info on the IP address and password. Thanks to PRT Junkey for providing this server.

  4. Well that should do it for this week. As usual drop me a line if you feel like it.

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