Qel-Droma and Oriens Obscurum currently have competitions. Good work!
One new member this week, ACO Glass. Welcome him to House Galeres!
No results from the PtA yet...
A busy week for me, so i've had little time to spend on IRC. Hopefully next week will be better.
SBM E. Tarkin (Sith)/CON/Clan Arcona
PCON Report
All houses should be running an AWOL check now... Anyone who hasnt emailed thier summit members is subject to removal from Clan Arcona. The email check is officially ending on March 31st.
I took a recent poll and House Qel-Droma and most people supported the Arcona Academy and the new points system. A few changes may be enacted to add more activities to the Academy. Tarkin and I have discussed opening up other couses (like leadership courses for example) in the academy and perhaps even appointing course instructors/headmasters for the academy. If youre interested in creating a course or just helping out in any capacity than email me and Tarkin :)
I can't think of what else to add... but if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, complaints, or death threats, feel free to email me :P
KAP Khobai (Krath)/PCON/Arcona
Oriens Obscurum
House News:
==> SW Halcyon and myself are currently running a AWOL Check of HOO. Please reply to Halc and myself by the 29th March or you will be considered AWOL and moved to the Rogues!!!!!
==> A Competition is in the offing. Halc and myself have worked out the details and am currently approacing the QUA of another house. More details to follow soon :))
==> As you should all be aware, we are currently looking for ideas for the Sith Orders Course but none of you have put any forward (correct me if I am wrong Halc). C'mon ppl, you can seriously expect me to believe that none of you have any ideas, there must be at least one amongst all of ya. If ya do have any let Halc and me know ASAP.
==> DJK Kyle Katarn has transferred out of OO to join House Ronin. I'm sure you will all join me in wishing Kyle all the best for the future.
==> Last but not least, the HOO website has been moved. It can now be found at http://www26.brinkster.com/housepp/oo.htm . Thanks go to Halcyon for the design and getting the site hosted. At last I am able to view it myself ;)
House Roster
Rank Name Email
Battlemaster Enahropes Teriad Entar [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Battlemaster Reaper [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Warrior Halcyon [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Dark Jedi Knight Ayudanter Clars III [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Dark Jedi Knight Caltin Doros [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Dark Jedi Knight Kyle Katarn [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Jedi Hunter Cyric [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Jedi Hunter X [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Guardian Forceflow [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Guardian Hotshot [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Guardian Kell [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Guardian Selket Isis Entar [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Guardian Wes Combat [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Azrael [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Karrad Entar [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Kayjahal [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Khameir Sarin [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Kronos Omega [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Nikana [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Patrick Blastfire [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Tarkinan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Acolyte Akhil Thantos [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Acolyte Kiriska [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Population: 22
Battle Teams:
JH X Reporting for Battle Team Pandragon:
1) News:
There's an AWOL check running: everyone should mail Halcyon by the 20th of this month or be moved to the Rogues!
Halcyon has been appointed AED of the House, Congrats Halc =)
2) Activity:
3) Promotions/Medals:
4) Recommendations:
None for now.
5) Roster:
Flight 1:
1 JH X [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1266
2 PRT Kayjahal [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1301
3 SBM Enahropes Tariad Entar [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #23
4 PRT Karrad Entar [Log in to view e-mail addresses] 1263
Flight 2:
1 SBM Reaper [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #36 [Currently removed]
2 GRD Kell [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1044
3 ACO Akhil Thantos [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1342
4 PRT Tarkinan [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1318
Flight 3:
1 SW Halcyon [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #43
2 GRD Forceflow [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #578
3 GRD Wes Combat [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #42
6) Final considerations: I'm seriously running low of RL time. I need some Pandragon pilot to give me a bit of support into organizing Comps. Please send me applications in private mail. If nobody will apply, maybe that I'll have to consider leaving the command to someone who has more time than me.
P.S.: For some reason unknown even to them, seems that both Reaper and Halcyon are still out of our Roster =P !
End of Report.
Respecfully submitted,
JH X of Oriens Obscurum
Ace of Oriens Obscurum
JH X (Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona, SC
DB PIN #1266
In Darkness.......
WC/GN Reaper/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
SS/BSx6/PCx6/ISMx6/MoI/MoT-1rh-1gh/IS- 5BW- 4SW/LoCx3/MoC-2BoC-1GoC/CoS/CoB/CoLx2/OV-2E [GLDR],
A-9-"The Grim Reaper"
SBM Reaper (Sith)/QUA/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona,
Flight Leader, FL 2, Pandragon Squadron
Quaestor's Report
KAP Kahn
Sorry this is a little late, but I've been hit by the flu and didn't feel like doing much of anything yesterday. Even sitting at the computer now still makes me nauseous.
I haven't received any submissions for the competition, event 1. I hope to see some soon. Remember, event 1 ends this Saturday night. By then, I should have the rules posted for event 2, which also lasts one week.
Event 2 and the Run-on, event 3, both start this saturday night/Sunday morning.
Don't forget about the AWOL check, as it should have been announced by your Tetrarch. Those not in a phyle should have been contacted. You have until the 26th/27th. PLEASE RESPOND!
Congratulations to Riel Estrada for passing the Shadow Academy.
I want to see participation and I'm counting on reading some good stories.
KAP Kahn(Krath)/QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona, [KSOE: CC2] BZ-BQ/DC-KC-O/(SN)/(BNB) {SA: CORE}
Aedile's Report
KP Paladorion
The Arena is set up, this Arcona Arena competition is named 'The Blood of the Chosen'. By now you should all have read the rules (on one of the message boards, in your email or on the website). I have only received comments from Lan (thanks!) yet, does that mean you all understand it and think they are good?
There is currently only one fight running (I will post Teach vs Lan when I get the time) and I want to see more challenges! The Hell's Gatekeeper Tetrarch challenged the whole of the Dark Orb phyle when his challenge got declined by D'hak. Dark Orb tyros: grab this change and fight Teachdaire. If you think he's to scary, mail someone else. :P
I am thinking about a way to reward the DJK and up in the Arena (bellow DJK the points count for the academy), it'll probably be something with a letter of merit.
I will mail any updates as soon as I get my internet working again, untill then: challenge!
May you walk in Darkness,
KP Paladorion Teranioklon Entar (Krath)/AED/Qel-Droma of Arcona [KSOE: KC1]
Clan Arcona's Knight Class Envoy
<prophet of qel-droma>
pin #120
JRNY/Paladorion Teranioklon Entar/Skylla/BHG -H (SCB)
ID 1602
Dark Orb Phyle Report
KAP D'hak
I have been having an extremely difficult time at home over the past
week, with several distressing issues cropping up during Thursday night.
Fruitless attempts to resolve these issues have been and will be
consuming the bulk of my time; as much of a pointless pursuit as such
attempts are, real life takes precedence over the internet. I shall,
however, continue to be on IRC as much as always. If you wish to speak
with me, my email is always open; I check it every night, and I should
now have enough time to write a reply within the standard 1-3 days.
There is a Brotherhood-wide AWOL check in progress at the moment. Please
reply to this message with your ID line immediately. Anyone who has not
contacted me with their ID line by the end of this weekend (ie, before
the 25th of March) will be reported to the Quaestor as being AWOL, so do
not delay.
Construction of the Phyle website has been suspended, as I am trying to
free up enough time to try and submit to the House competition. However,
I will be constructing a Yahoogroup mailing list for the Phyle tonight
and automatically adding each member to the list.
The House competition has begun!
http://www.angelfire.com/darkside/qeldroma/comp.htm is the URL to go to
for all the details. I encourage you all to participate to the best of
your ability, as the reputation of the Dark Orb has been challenged and
I do not believe I will be able to defend it alone. I know that we have
some excellent talents in this Phyle, and I would like to see you all
Current Events
An Open Topic Story. You may write about any topic, so long as it meets
the following criteria:
Must be about the Dark Side
Must include your full ID line
Entries must be submitted before March 25th
Must be sent to the Quaestor ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), the Aedile
([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and myself ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
entries to the Proconsul ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
A Battle Arena. Rules are listed on the House message board
(http://www.ehnet.org/mb/mb.php?action=topics&forum_id=15&days=7). The
Arena itself is on the Clan message board
(http://pub73.ezboard.com/fclanarconafrm6). I will not be participating
in this particular event, as I do not believe I have the time to do it
justice; however, arena battles are a fresh and enjoyable experience, if
your opponent and yourself are fairly active and I recommend that each
of you challenges someone (preferably, someone from the other Phyle).
Trivia. The House message board has the trivia questions posted to it.
Please think carefully before sending in your submission. I assume that
you send your submission only to the Quaestor and Aedile ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]
and [Log in to view e-mail addresses] respectively).
Also do not forget that the Krath Order competitions are still running.
They include:
Story of the month (topic: Redemption)
Poem of the month (topic: Love of the Dark, genre: Lyrical Poetry)
Big Script competition also continues
*signet of a pair of serpents entwined around a violet-bladed
KAP D'hak (Krath)/Qel-Droma of Arcona, SC/BZ-BQ/DC-KC-O-C
Hells Gatekeepers Report
JH Korbane Ashoka
PHYLE WAR PHYLE WAR PHYLE WAR!!!! Be sure to read comp. details in the
comp. news section I want to win ahhhhh! Besides that great job on the AWOL
check and a well deserved medal was awarded.
Only one award this time around but well worth mentioning. Anyone who
placec in a Krath wide comp. Did a great job so conratulation goes to.....
KAP Kelvis Xavier
Awarded: Bronze Scroll (BZ) Reason given for request:
2nd place in Event 3 of the Great Krath War
Not really a reward, but honorable mention goes to PRT Breadian^X for
participating in the Button comp. great work and keep up your high activity
it is not going unnoticed.
The Phyle compeition has started. The trivia is going to be posted on the
regular House message boad, but the topic will be closed to prevent anyone
from posting answers. Follow all rules as listed on the House website (
www.angelfire.com/darkside/qeldroma/comp.htm) Both the poem and Run-on
start next weekend.
Don't forget, this is phyle vs. phyle as you compete for a special prize.
There will be individual awards as well. All details at the website. On a
more personal note I want to win, so anyone that takes part in every event
I will do my best to see you are rewarded with a little something!
Movie Script, 10 pages in length (minimum) to 30 pages in length (maximum).
The title is "Descent into Darkness", and your script should have a Dark
Jedi theme. Until the 1st April at 11.59pm EST to work on this; you can
work in groups if you want to
Send your submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
in .doc, .txt or .rtf format. Please also zip the files so we don't get
stuck downloading massive documents through 56k modems!
**DB AWOL Check*
Only two more more need to report in and I know one very is active and will
report soon. The other will as well hopefully. So it will be great if we
lose nobody in this check. We have a great phyle.
Be sure to check in with me:
GRD JaM3z X-Ray Lucius Entar, ACO Strategos
**Current Roster**
JH Korbane Ashoka
AP Kelvis Xavier
DJK Timeros Caesus Entar
GRD Cyberguy
GRD JaM3z X-Ray Lucius Entar
PRT Breadian^X
PRT Viciouswok
ACO Strategos
JH Korbane Ashoka (Krath)/TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona[KSOE: CC2]
Respectfully submitted,
FM-PROF/LC E. Tarkin/Scorpion 1-3/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard/ASF
GS/SS/BSx2/PCx9/ISMx19/MoT-2rh-2gh/IS-1BW-1GW/LoC-PSx293/DFC-SWx15/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [GLDR] [Top-ACE-2nd] [XA-TA] {IWATS-CBX-M/1/2-SM/2-XAM-XTM-XTT}
XvT Tactics Professor/WC's Own January 2002
SBM E. Tarkin (Sith)/CON/Clan Arcona, SC/WR/DC-KC-O/(SNB)/(BNG)(BNAu)/CoL {SA: CORE}
Consul of Arcona
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