Aedile Report


Aedile Report


Well with Rekio's appointment as RollMaster, alot of the duties I use to carry out are now his to enjoy :P

So what now? Well I'll mostly open my big mouth and gas on.....probably about MD not reading emails, Wil's botched attempts to make fire come out of his eyes (dont ask me where its actually coming :P) and some odd reason, we cant get rid of those damn monkeys :P

Seriously, I have been reading the emails you guys have sent through the egroup and the number is very pleasing, although it would be nice to see more people saying something other then the regular.

Pilot Files: For everyone who is in a BattleTeam, send all pilot files to your CMDR with a CC to myself and Wil. Please for everyone's sake, use a compression program like WinZip or whatever your particular system uses.

XWA Pilot Files: As everyone is aware, all battle/free mission files come with a pilot file set-up to use. It is acceptable to rename the file to match your own name, the subgroup battle or free mission and the number. Please note this is allowed only for XWA. Any other pilot files will be viewed as unusual and the member who sent it will be questioned about this.

Comps: Anyone unaware of whats comp are on? If so, give me a buzz and I'll update you.

AWOL Sweep: Its good to see that all but 3 House members have responded. Those three are:

GRD Dark Viper - Currently a member of Sub-Zero Squadron.

PRT Lorn Blahde - Currently a member of Sub-Zero Squadron.

ACO Kir Kanos - Currently unassigned to a BattleTeam.

JH John Clark, if it were possible, could you inform myself and Wil on what you know of GRD Dark Viper and PRT Lorn Blahde.

ACO Kir Kanos, could you contact me ASAP!!!!

Otherwise, guys, you're doing good. Activity is improving and people are sending in more pilot files as the days go by. Details on our comp with House Oriens Obscurum should be out soon so prep your fighters for combat!!!

SW Torres (Sith)/AED/Tridens of Tarentum,



"Buckle your seatbelt, Dorothy, cause is going bye bye."


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