Aye, as you though that's another of my boring reports =P Take you time and read it, you'll find your orders our activities.
DB News:
1) A new oracle has been selected, Congratulation to Shadonyx ( AKA Belzedar =P ).
2) The KCB Trev has resigned to get a P-INQ spot ( ... ), application WILL NOT be accepted for now so DO NOT APPLY !
3) After talking with the CoG I found the GMRG is not taking apprentices for now.
4) As usual, check the main site and the MB for more indeep news.
Clan News:
1) Finally we have X in our IRC channel ( #Alvaak ) one of us is most likly there anytime so drop here to talk or something.
2) I'll repeat it till I'll bother you too death or I see a bit more of partecipation in it, there's a Run On and we are still anly 3 of us to keep it alive... ( c/p from old reports hoping it will get you in )
3) Dum dum dum... it's time to annouce the new member of the Clan ?? Hmmm... nope =P
House News:
1) The OHC bashed us for not having a decent site and I agree with him. I'll be talking with the guys that are working on it for more.
2) Now we have a comp so I expect you to move out of your hiding. I will not tollerate inactivities anylonger.
Ok, that's pretty easy so don't tell me you can't do it. For the month of Aprill we'll be playing an House JK Ladder. The rules are the same of the EH Ladder and me and I will keep record of the Score. The awards are WC for the winner and a DC for the second and third if we have enough player, otherwise a DC for the winner if we have few members or Nothing if we have not much players. Remember to keep a screenshot of the results of each match and submit it to me AND Mell. If you are not familiar with the EH Ladder you can easily check the rules @ http://www.imperialacademy.org/ladder/
Activity Record :
Battle Master Maximus:
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He hasn't replied to the DB AWOL check yet.
Warrior Ace
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
He replied to the DB AWOL check.
Warrior Jacob Van Nowak
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Heard on irc.
Warrior Mell
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Doing his AED menial tasks.
Protector Dirius
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
None this week.
Acolyte Bryan
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
None this week.
Rank Name Email
Battlemaster Maximus [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Warrior Ace [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Warrior Jacob Van Nowak [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Warrior Mell [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Dark Jedi Knight Khan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Dirius [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Acolyte Bryan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
OW Khan (Obelisk)/QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak [KSOE: KC2]
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