Well...I don't have much to report as I haven't been AED for a full day yet. Never the less flech and I have been working (scary) and we already have some stuff to announce.
First of all, we need a new RM. The job isn't that hard and only requires about 5 min a day between checking your mail and updating the egroup. Just mail me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and flech ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) with some basic info about your career in the DB, why you want RM, all that normal stuff.
Next, we have a bunch of comps coming out soon. Flech is gonna announce most of them in his report tomorrow, but the two that I'm dealing with (at least for now) I'm gonna announce now.
The first one is called "Kill the AED". It's pretty simple. It's an ongoing comp, so no start/end date. Here's what you do: fly me in MP XWA. If you beat me by 5-9 kills you get a DC. 6-9 kills gets a WR, and 10+ kills gets you a SC. That might look like easy medals, but those of you that have flown me before know that I'm not easy to beat at best and at worst really hard to beat.
The other comp is next week I'm gonna start inserting random words into my reports. Your job is to reorganize the words to make a statement that makes sense. The first person to do this gets a DC everyone else just gets brownie points with me.
Also, Flech and I are bringing the Centurions back (well, this started when tiger was still QUA but flech and I did all the work). You can find the site for them at http://www.archanis.org/centurion/news.html. Now I'm going to open up nominations too, so go nominate anyone that you think has helped the house.
That's it for this week...catch ya on the flip side.
DJK Crix Madine, Archanis AED
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