Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

<head><title>Dragon Guard Report #9</title></head>

Dragon Guard Report #9, April 4th 2002

Not alot this week other than MSC2. Perhaps this month will bring a surprise...


  • The MSC2(Master-Student Competition #2) is still going on! Good luck to all you who are participating.

  • PRT Isabeau 'LilHawk' has changed her name now to LilHawke! MUCH BETTA!!!

  • I want to see more people on IRC( in the Channels #CSP and #HAD .

New Members

No new people this week:(

<font size="7"> -> Competitions <-

MSC2 has started, phase 2 is going on, so those of you are participating and need information or rules, visit <li> A Monthly Poem Focus is open too, details at <li> House and up Competitions are listed here, and Phyle Competitions are here. <li> Have a Dragon Guard Competition Idea? Let me know:)

Tyro of the Week

Tyro for this week is KAP Saitou!!!

<font size="7"> -> Dengar's IRC Art <-

Hey, anyone have art that they want to show can email it to me and I will put it in here:)

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This one I made for Cymbre. I know it sucks, but I only had a couple minutes to make it so it will have to do!

Remember to check out the DG site at (Though it hasn't been updated in forever... sorry about that.)

<font size="7" color="red" face="chiller"> Dengar March <font size="5">

GRD Dengar March (Krath)/TET/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae



   [Student of Saitou]


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