All right, let's move with this report as I have to bring this old crapy pc to the store to get the new one YAY !! I'll be onleave for a couple of days but fear not, I'll be back =P
I'd like to annouce also that I get finally (HURRAI) a copy of JK2 so you'd better start to play it as I plan to have some stuff for ya in the near future heh
DB News:
1) Howie resigned and Belzo ( or Shadowonyx =P) got the spot, congratulation to him.
2) Mejas has been fired so bye bye HM, applycations has not been opened yet so don't bother the GM and DGM applying please.
3) The CoG spot has been opened so if you think you are good enough, mail your application to the GM, DGM and OHC.
4) The new CHAN is working on revise all the DB medals and he's like to have input from us poor DC slaves, check the DB site for more dettails.
Clan News:
1) Ok finally I can announce the new entry of Alvaak, His Eminence Grand Master Lord Jedgar Paladin W00T !!
2) NF has been promoted to SWL so everyone grats him =P
3) Former KCB and former DGM Arion has joined Dominatus's ranks.
4) A new Clan comp is on the way so get ready.
5) Frey, QUA of House Ronin has been promoted to Sith Warrior GREATZ !
House News:
1) I've been promoted to OW ( those who forget to gratz me will be sent our mine station as slave ! )
2) Mell get a CoF for a multiplayer match he won at the training night.
3) The ladder is on guys, why I haven't seen anyone but me and Mell playing ??
4) We lost a member since Maximus has been awoled.
Activity Record :
Warrior Ace
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None this week. ( Where are you gone ??? )
Warrior Jacob Van Nowak
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Seen on IRC
Warrior Mell
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Doing his AED menial tasks.
Protector Dirius
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None this week.
Acolyte Bryan
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Working on the House Site.
Rank Name Email
Warrior Ace [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Warrior Jacob Van Nowak [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Warrior Mell [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Dark Jedi Knight Khan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Dirius [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Acolyte Bryan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
OW Khan (Obelisk)/QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak [KSOE: KC2]
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