Aedile Report


Aedile Report

I have a ton more to report this week, so lets get to it.


none =(


SW Bob to the rogues =(


PRT Darkfinn to GRD

ACO Iceman to PRT

JH Powerslave to DJK


SC to DJK John Doe x3 (damn this boy got a lot of medals)

SC to GRD Darkfinn

SC to DJK Azazel

SC to SW Rexal Qel

WR to DJK Hermann x2

WR to DJK Kaan x3

WR to DJK John Doe

WR to PRT Iceman

DC to SW Rexal Qel

DC to DJK Pellaeon x2

DC to DJK Hermann

CoF to DJK Crix Madine x2

CoF to SBM Flech

CoF to JH Hawk Falcone


-Kill the AED is still going on, and will keep going on. Baron Fel is the only one who has collected on start killing me!

-I'm too tired to put hidden messages into this report, so that comp will start next week.

-I want everyone to fly at least 1 MP match this week to help us get ready for the Sith Wars.

-All the normal on-going comps are still going on.

QUA Escort:

I only have current points from Shadowmorph now glares at the other CMDRs I'd like it if the CMDRs can mail me with

Shadowmorph - 465

Hype - 610

CV - ¿?

Other Stuff:

-RM will most likely be announced in flech's report, we still need to make the final decision on who gets it.

-Nominations for Centurions are closed. I'll be sending out a mail later this week with all the details on the voting. I'm too brain-dead to do it now.

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