Aye, aye aye.. that's another one of my usual boring reports heh I have noticed that most of you don't even bother to reply to my mails and I find it really a bad habbit.. I don't want to be forced to go and ask to your TC or other SGs commanders if you are more active in those SGs couse it will tick me off, and that's a show you won't be pleased to see grins
Now, for those of you that don't know, we have a new member in da House Novice Sephiroth has joined our ranks and I he has showed more interest in our business then most of you ( BAD !!! =P )... Folks, lemme be clear once anf for all, if you don't want to be active, take your bags and move rogue, Houses are for active members and have a roster filled with name that then do nothing isn't what I call pretty.
So you have 2 (two) choices, be active ( or tell me what kind of RL impediment you have ) or move to rogue and I'll be pleased to sign the form for you if you are too lazy to do that too.. For those that are willing to work for our House, many rewards and other stuff are waiting right next to the corner. I'd like to add also that been member of Alvaak is a PRIVILEGE, not a right, and so you have to prove yourself WORTHY of such membership. Now that I finished my weekly rant, let's move with the news heh
DB News:
1) The CHAN and OCL, Shadowonyx ( AKA Belzo =P ) is working hard to update and reshape the DB medals and the Dark Hall, if you are interested in those project and help the CHAN AND the DB, check his full posts on the DB site.
2) A new CoG has been chose, OBM Sithspawn is the new CoG ( sighs )
3) Tomorrow after the DB meeting in the #Obelisk channel, the OHC will host a JK2 competition and you are ALL welcome to partecipate.
4) Tomorrow SW Frey, QUA of House Ronin, will also host a multiplayer comp on #Alvaak for most of our online platform and you are HIGHLY recommended to partecipate heh
5) As usual, for other news check the DB site and MB.
Clan News:
1) Keiran has started a Clan wide copetition, our part if a JK and JK2 ladder. The whole Clan activity if a Run On you can find here :
2) A couple of AWARDS has been awarded to some of our Clansmen over the past week, congratulation to everybody =))
House News:
1) OW Mell resigned from AED for some reasons and I have opened the applications to the whole DB, I hope to be able to chose a new AED for the next report...
2) Bryan has been chose to be the Sergent of Alpha Iota Brigate ( flamehim if you don't like the name =P ) he has already sets up a site http://www30.brinkster.com/hauct/news.html
3) Bryas has been also so kind to sets a MB for House Autoritas at http://pub2.ezboard.com/bhouseauctoritas maybe we can use this for house communications as well as the Clan one =)
4) Sephiroth joined our ranks WELCOME Son =P
1) House JK-JK2 ladder, same rules of the EH Ladder just send me ( both players ) the screenshot of the match results and I'll keep track of the ladder.
2) Clan JK-JK2 ladder ( as above =P ). One advice.. don't even try to use the same match for both competitions or I'll send you straight to the HCI for cheating ! Understood ?!?
3) 2 Run on are running right now, you can find them at http://www.ehnet.org/mb/mb.php?action=topics&forum_id=14&days=7 .
So far, with the exception of a new entry, those run ons has ben runned by me, Aseret, Cirith and Tron.. GO POST and don't tell me you are not able to post on a run on.. if I can do it with my crappy english, even a monkey can hih hih =P
4) Now that I have finished the SP game of JK2, I started to check around for new skinns and mods for JK2 and I working on a skinning comp for JK2, more dettails to come as soon I decided the dettails ahahah =PP
Activity Record :
Warrior Ace
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Heard by mail, RL busy.
Warrior Jacob Van Nowak
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
None this week, BEWARE !
Warrior Mell
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Heard by mail, resigned from AED.
Protector Dirius
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
None this week, haven't even heard from him.
Acolyte Bryan
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Appointed Sergent, working on the his Brigate.
Novice Sephiroth
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Just joined, welcome guy.
Rank Name Email
Warrior Ace [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Warrior Jacob Van Nowak [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Warrior Mell [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Dark Jedi Knight Khan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Dirius [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Acolyte Bryan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Novice Sephirith [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
OW Khan (Obelisk)/QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak [KSOE: KC2]
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