Consul Report


Consul Report

No story this week folks, sorry I'll make it up to you next week.

Lets hit the News right away

  1. QUA Kano resigns his position due to contraints on his time in RL and in the Subgroup. He will remain in House Marka Ragnos as a Tyro however, so boys and girls beware he's a damn good writer. And a BAMF.

  2. AED J'Rai will be moving his office across the hall, yes now he's even got more authority so applaud...or die :) hehehehehehe

  3. HPG's brigade naming continues abit sporadically. Keep the names coming. In the spirit I will put forth these gems. "Angry Drunks" or "Men in Black (Robes)"

  4. All in all it's been a reasonable week with reorganizations and such streamlining and making CNS a lean mean fighting machine that'll bust some caps in everybody else. Yes this is read by every other CON and PCON in the DB, so we can give them something to worry about. We'll smack them around with style and grace. After all we rule. I'm proud to say I'm the Consul of this great group of people.

  5. Sith Wars is about to commence the SHW is just putting the finishing touches on it. I wanna see some mad flying happening. Maybe I'll even bust out and give some XvT action. If I'm allowed, I'm just so damn good they don't let me near a MP night :) It comes with being Krath. I enjoy composing music that I share with everyone as I fly.

  6. Wish me some luck Got an exam in a few hours. :(

KE Alex

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