Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Quaestor Report #1 - APR 14th, 2002

Holy crap, it's a big one! :)



RM: PRT Kant Lavar

NH TET: DJK Tomaas Banys

ND TET: JH Ghost Angel

(NH)DA Mejas Doto

(ND)KPN Dr. Fox

(N/A)KPN Trevarus Caerick

(N/A)KAP Iylan Kano

(NH)KP Ghost Dog

(N/A)KP StarLion

(ND)KP Tharivol Endymiron

(NH)DJK Elminster Keldorn

(ND)PRT Nathan "SaberStrike" Zenos

(NH)PRT Thelea Jeth

(ND)PRT WalkerBoh

(NH)ACO Imperial

(NH)ACO Meredith Anzer

(N/A)ACO Svafnae

(NH)NOV Arcadius Calidus

--House News--

Some big stuff going on, so pay attention.....

  • KAP Iylan Kano sadly steps down as Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos. We salute you Kano.

  • KP J`Rai steps up as Quaestor of Marka Ragnos...I will be accepting applications for my Aedile...Please when applying, tell me a bit about your EH history but focus on your time in the DB, don't forget about command positions you've held and awards you've gotten. Please no applicants under the rank of Jedi Hunter

  • Also, the house will be needing a new webpage to reflect the change in command. I have spoken with Mejas about it and to my surprise, before I even brought it up, he had one started. As soon as it has plenty of content and is the way Mejas wants it to be, it shall be revealed to the house.

  • Due to Trev's inability to be in a phyle b/c of his INQ status, I am giving him the very unofficial title of Phyle Advisor. Anyone who has any problems with Phyle related stuff, talk to him. If TETs can't get their phyles active, then they can go to Trev and he will give them any advice to help them out. Also, go to him if someone in your phyle is causing problems, if what he says doesn't solve it, then come to me.

  • Dark Cathedral Competition is finished....It wasn't hard for me to choose a winner...Since I only got one submission and that was from Tomaas Banys...So I'll figure out the awards for the particular event he submitted to and then he will be rewarded accordingly. Thanks Wolf for actually submitting.

  • I'm going to be setting up some new things and I'll announce them as I complete them. But first of all, I want weekly reports from all offices...This includes Rollmaster...A typical report for Rollmaster would basically be an updated roster and promotions/medals and things like that. Tetrarchs you know what you should do, and I obviously know what I'm going to do. I'll inform my Aedile of what I want in his report when he is appointed.

  • As always, my door is open to all members of the house if you've got anything you want to discuss with me.

  • Last but not least...I mentioned last week that I want weekly submission from everyone whether it be poem, graphic, or fictional story. So far, I've only gotten a few, namely Kant, and I believe Meredith has submitted. If I've missed your names, I do apologize but my papers are all screwed up since moving into my new office. Once I get things settled I'll give out a list of who I have recieved from and who is on my list(trust me, it's not a good list). Make sure you CC Starlion with your weekly submission so he can add you to the HMR Library.

Now, onto the DB news....

--DB(Krath) News--

*CoG has been selected and is looking for GMRG members...I'm not sure if Krath can join, but hey, you never know.

*Krath Announcements 12/4/02

Posted by DA Mairin Astoris - 1:45:11 PM

Greetings all. Not much to report this week for once:

1: Monthly Topics are open still. Due date for both is 11.59pm EST on 30th April. The story topic is "War" and should be a page long in .doc, .txt or .rtf format. Mail it to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. The poem topic is "Tainted Love" and the genre is "Haiku". You can find more details at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/krath/focus. Again, send your entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. I've had lots of poetry entries but no stories yet, so get them coming in.

2: Battle boards are nearly ready to go - I'm hoping to release them later this week when I have judges finalised.

3: My Praetor, KE Cuchulain, is on leave this week whilst he gets a new laptop or gets his old one fixed; he had an accident with a lunatic moggy. :P

4: Quaestors please remember that reports are due in by FRIDAYS, Saturdays at the very latest, of each week. It's absolutely no good to me at all if you write your report and then don't send it to me cause it looks like you're doing diddly squat. You then don't get rewards, and it's your own fault. Deal. :P

5: A new web page is up to commemmorate those awarded Krath Scholar of the Month. Those who were awarded the title before I resurrected it (i.e. under any KHP other than me), please mail me your rank and name at the time you won the award, and the month and year you won it in. The webpage is at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/krath/som.htm/

Everyone's Favorite section...


  • Kano steps down as QUA, J`Rai steps up

  • DA Mejas Doto awarded a Sapphire Blade

  • JH Tomaas Banys promoted to DJK

  • If there's anything I missed, feel free to verbally abuse me on irc or through email

Oooh, Newbies...


  • DJK Elminster Keldorn joins our ranks

  • Well, they're not really newbies, but HMR welcomes back DA Mejas Doto, and KPN Trevarus Caerick. Trev, sheathe the Steel :P


  • Krath Monthly Topic and poem(See Above) Submit to this and along with getting a medal if you place you'll get points towards your next promo, just make sure you CC me([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Starlion([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) your submissions.

  • House Run-on at the Messageboard(http://www.asp-dev.co.uk/freeForum3/default.asp?board_id=549), "HMR's Out of Alcohol!"...this is purely for fun, but everyone who participates will get promo points and I might decide to give the person who posts the most(hey, that rhymes) a DC or something nice and shiny.

  • Any comp suggestions can be sent to me, no matter how crazy they are....we need to generate activity and fun and crazy seems to be doing that so far :P

--Important Links--

http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi - Dark Brotherhood Homepage

http://www.emperor's_hammer.org - EH Homepage


If there's anything I forgot, feel free to send threatening emails about how you're going to rape my skull while I'm sleeping and how you'll use a red-hot poker to probe my insides. It's ok, I can take it...

~KP J`Rai, Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

KP J'Rai (Krath)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow [KSOE: CC2]



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