Quaestor Report #2 - APR 19, 2002
Member Count: 23
RM: PRT Kant Lavar
NH TET: DJK Tomaas Banys
(NH)DA Mejas Doto
(N/A)KPN Trevarus Caerick
(ND)KE Daihok
(N/A)KAP Iylan Kano
(NH)KP Ghost Dog
(LoMK)KP StarLion
(ND)KP Tharivol Endymiron
(ND)DJK Ayudanter Clars III
(ND)DJK Da'emon Narshay
(NH)DJK Elminster Keldorn
(ND)JH Ghost Angel
(ND)PRT Nathan "SaberStrike" Zenos
(NH)PRT Thelea Jeth
(ND)PRT WalkerBoh
(NH)ACO Imperial
(NH)ACO Meredith Anzer
(LoMK)ACO Svafnae
(NH)NOV Arcadius Calidus
--House News--
I've appointed KP Bob as AED of HMR, welcome back to a summit position Bob.
I've created a new phyle. It's called the Land of Misfit Krath and it's where I'm going to put all of you who wish to remain apart from a phyle. Yeah yeah, this sounds dumb but listen to the reason for this: I was informed by our wise and very English PCON that being in a battleteam is going to become mandatory...I don't know when this will be official, but hell, let's get a head start on it. I put StarLion in charge of it(don't worry, I don't expect a report from you unless we're involved in a DB wide event, like the GJW or another GKW...Continue with your library reports and you can post them on djb.org as your tetrarch reports. Right now it's only got StarLion and Svafnae in it, so if you want out of your current phyle and placed in this one, email me and I'll switch you over.
StarLion has moved the library website and he's also made us a new MB. Once it's 100% ready to be used instead of our current one, I will change the link on djb.org and we will officially start using the new board. Also, Mejas has been working on the new site, I'm not sure of his progress, so Mejas if you could email me about it or catch me on IRC that would be great, although I know you will be very busy for the next month or so.
I'm going to be throwing together a rather crappily done webpage to represent my office and Mejas I'd like to talk to you about this as well.
Now, onto the DB news....
--DB(Krath) News--
KHP Announcements
Posted by DA Mairin Astoris - 7:28:37 AM
1: There's been a virus doing the rounds recently. I'd advise everyone to update their virus scanners and make sure that they use good common sense when dealing with attachments. A few handy hints are to not open an email attachment if you don't know who it's from, or if you are not expecting an attachment from the person who sent it, OR if the subject line seems anomalous (i.e., if someone from the EH sends you a mail with "the garden of eden" in the subject line, it's probably a virus). Please be careful. We operate in a club that sends hundreds of attachments daily. Keeping your own system safe is a way of ensuring that you keep others safe from viruses as well.
2: The Krath Battleboards will be starting on MONDAY, 22nd April. I haven't decided how long they will be running for yet. You can still sign up for the Battleboards if you want to at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/krath/bb. Judges for this event are now confirmed as: KAP Ciara Tearnan/CON/Tarentum, KAP Shadonyx/CHAN, and DJK Timeros/M:KHP/Qel-Droma of Arcona, as well as my good self. We're hoping this competition will be a lot of good fun!
3: Monthly topics continue. The story topic is "War", and you should send your entries (no less than a page of text) to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by 11.59pm EST on 30th April. Submit in .doc, .txt or .rtf format. Please don't forget your ID line. Competition open to members of all Orders.
The poetry topic is "Tained Love" and the genre is "Haiku". Again, submit to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by 11.59pm EST on 30th April. Don't forget your ID line. Competition open to members of all Orders.
4: P:KHP KE Cuchulain should be returning to full active duty within the next week with any luck, as he's getting a new laptop.
5: I think I aced my first Final. Go me. :)
Everyone's Favorite section...
Oooh, Newbies...
Krath Monthly Topic and poem(See Above) Submit to this and along with getting a medal if you place you'll get points towards your next promo, just make sure you CC me([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Starlion([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) your submissions.
House Run-on at the Messageboard(http://www.asp-dev.co.uk/freeForum3/default.asp?board_id=549), "HMR's Out of Alcohol!"...this is purely for fun, but everyone who participates will get promo points and I might decide to give the person who posts the most(hey, that rhymes) a DC or something nice and shiny.
Any comp suggestions can be sent to me, no matter how crazy they are....we need to generate activity and fun and crazy seems to be doing that so far :P
--Important Links--
http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi - Dark Brotherhood Homepage
http://www.emperor's_hammer.org - EH Homepage
If there's anything I forgot, feel free to send threatening emails about how you're going to rape my skull while I'm sleeping and how you'll use a red-hot poker to probe my insides. It's ok, I can take it...
~KP J`Rai, Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos
KP J'Rai (Krath)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow [KSOE: CC2]
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