Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

I'm disappointed. No one reported except for our QUA. You know, all the activity you do doesn't count unless you report it to me, so I expect reports from all of you this upcoming week. All you need to state in it is the activity you've done this week. I need them by Wednesday.

           **Activity Reports**  

OW Ziguarath playing JK within GMRG and Obelisk.

IWATS courses and active on mail and IRC.

ACO Nelson SP JK and IWATS courses.

I was hoping to get some results on the poll, but only me and 1 other person voted. If you don't understand how to vote, contact me and I can help you.

Well, I guess that's all for this week.


ACO Nelson (Obelisk)/RM-TRP/Cestus of Tarentum


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