PCON / SBM Darkonian reporting
For current DB news, members are asked to Check the DB site at: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp .
Clan News:
Dramatic increase in CSK members , especially in Kirleta this week.
with the 4 of of the 5 mails i just checked informing of new members finding their way to Kirleta , the House see a total increase 6 obelisk troopers.
for those whom this might not impress that's a jump from 9 to 15 or an increase of 66.6% of the old count or 40% of the new one!
so this is COOL!
Galthian got two new members , and Aleema one. this bring the clan to a total of 49 members.
let's hope this will continue in the next weeks , and also spread to the other houses.
The numbers increase in Kirleta lead to the opening of a new Battle Team that goes by the name: Deaths Shadow . no sergeant has been appointed yet.
The Sith War has started , Galthain has till 22nd to complete phase one!
SBL Rapier (he is one of the really old DBers :P)also rejoined CSK this week. He was named CLan Elder and promptly started his work in this
honorary position by sending a long mail bitching about many things in CSK ....... hmm....... what did i want to say...oh yes: welcome back Raps !
happy to have you around, and looking forward to working with you! :)
Arion Sunrider long time CSKer (and in diffrent positions) was appointed to be the new Headmaster of the SA, congrats and we wish you luck with your new tasks.
Our Consul is having PC problems once more :( , that's why all of you have to read this nice report done by me! :P
PCON Report :
ok so i'm doing the whole thing, but i thought i should keep this part up as a seperate part, and report all of the stuff i said above once more! :P
first let's welocme the new members, the old ones coming back and those transferring in from other clans:
Battlelord Rapier and Protector Dravin Teche both joining Galthain.
Guardian Magus Lionheart,
Guardian Cray Mikalen,
Protector Odin Lionheart,
Protector Gryphon_Garou,
Acolyte Ghaleon and
Novice Jaruus , all of them joining Kirleta
also Novice Xrath Darksythe who rejoins Aleema.
last week seen the JK turney held by Sharad, in which Rizlib and molotov Got a CoF each, congrats .
let's hope we are able to do more in the next turney with our reinforced Kirleta.
as you will see the Galthain Report is apparently late, so i'll announce a Sith of the month......
Grats go to DJK Gidda, in the time as CMDR of Delphian Squadron he has done a good job. he is active, helpfull and you can rely on him! congrats again!
enough of this and here we go to the Capcomp:
actually we can skip this part, cause i only got entries from two members only! so i say: guys you stink!! (of course in a friendly joke like way! :P)
so this times #1 is: "I don't think this is what Lucas meant when he told him to stick his neck out." by Maradis Jenkar
#2 : "They look stoned at of there minds" by Silent (ok so i didn't understand what was meant, but hey i think exactly this gives it this great fun factor! :P)
other entries by Maradis:
"I gotta figure out where Lucas gets these guys."
"OK, turn his head toward my desk...good. Now, how many lights do you see?"
..... congrats to the two, and as for the rest i hope now you know why i think you stink! :P
for next week i expect more entries, about 10 fold of this atleast!!
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FM-TCC:XWA/CPT Gord Darkonian/Falcon 2-2/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
SBM Gord Darkonian (Sith)/PCON/Satal Keto,
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