Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Welcome one and all to Crix's first weekly QUA Report! Within this report you'll find all of this week's joins, promos, medal awardees, and much more!


PRT Braxus (from HC to Archanis)


PRT Kevin Pryde to GRD


DJK Pallaeon: DC, SE, SC

SBM Flech: CFx3, SCr

-=QUA Escort Points=-

SM: 345

Hyp: 1030

CV: 30 <

you guys need to shape up...fast

Now this is the fun part:

Sense Janson is the new AED and I threw out all the RM apps after janson was appointed we need to take apps for RM again. Mail myself and Janson with some basic info about your DB self. The job only takes about 5 min a week so it's not that taxing on you.

Also, as promised a while ago we have the vote for the Centurions. I haven't had time to make up a html form, so you'll just have to mail me saying if you think the people should be a Centurion. You vote for everyone too. The vote is confidential, nobody except you and me will know what you voted. The people that are nominated are: (drum roll)

SW Rexal Qel

DJK Hermann

DJK John Doe

Get those votes in, you have 1 week.

I WANT EVERYONE TO PRETICIPATE IN THE SITH WARS! You can find info on it at the web site: http://www.sithorder.org/comps/sithwar1.

Activity Tracking:

(I'm starting this fresh so everyone has a 1 this week)

SBM Aylius Khan 1

SBM Rakhai 1

SBM Flech 1

SW IronHawk 1

SW Rexal Qel 1

SW Smitrock 1

DJK Azazel 1

DJK Crix Madine 1

DJK Hermann 1

DJK Jargon Grim 1

DJK John Doe 1

DJK Ninj 1

DJK Pallaeon 1

DJK Powerslave 1

DJK Steele Brightsaber 1

JH Coranel Both 1

JH Daniel Goad 1

JH Hawk Falcone 1

GRD Darkfinn 1

GRD Hev Randrowan 1

GRD Kevin Pryde 1

GRD Neko 1

PRT Braxus 1

PRT Brouillard 1

PRT Iceman 1

PRT Selth 1

I'd like everyone to keep those 1's.

That's about it for this week.

-DJK Crixxxie Madine, Archanis QUA

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