Aedile Report


Aedile Report




__ -> House Auctoritas of Alvaak Summit: <-

Quaestor: Warrior Khan

Aedile: Dark Jedi Knight Exar Khaland

RollMaster: Acolyte Bryan

Alpha Iota SGT: Acolyte Bryan


Greetings Brothers,

A weeks passed as me as Aedile, and I suppose (Under no threats at all) that I should send out a report.

This week seen Novice Sephiroth being promoted to Acolyte. CONGRATS!

Sephiroth was the only one to bother sending in screenshots constantly this week, So it is a well deserved promotion, Keep it up.

Two medals awarded this week, Both to our QUA. Khan picked up a Cluster of Fire and a Dark Cross, Way to go Boss.

I'm currently working on an Obelisk Master/Student program, that should help members get DJK faster. With 2 New recruits on the way we could use it to keep up activity.

I'm also up for Ideas for any in-house comps. Its hard for the Obelisk to prove constant Activity. Sith can fly and send in many .TFRs and .PLTs, Krath can write stories, poem, Songs, ETC, But we only have JK and JKII.


Aedile Rampage Comp.. Detail released soon.

New Alvaak Page is in production.

erm........ Thats it :)

Have a nice day!


<i>Exar Khaland</i>

Dark Jedi Knight Exar Khaland

Aedile of House Auctoritas

DJK Exar Khaland (Obelisk)/AED/House Auctoritas of Alvaak,


FM-AMB/CM Exar Khaland/Hornet 3-2/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

BS/ISMx4/IS-1PW/LoC-ISx10/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [KNIGHT] [Marksman 4th]


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