Greetings all.
Well here's my first report as AED of the house :)
It's been a while since I needed to do a DB report, but I'll be back in the
swing in no time :)
I'm still looking for what I want to include in this each week so if it's
not here and should be just let me know.
I'm going to start work this weekend on the new House web site. I have the
basics planned out in my head. If any of you want to help just let me know
in a private email. Rewards will be given to all who help set it up.
Now as you have all seen from Sharads email there is a JK comp on Sat :)
All try and be there. I will be online, but might be just after the comp has
started. If you see me and want to play, just ask :)
I'm looking to start up a few House comps. I have a few in mind, but please,
if you want to have anything done in particular let me know.
Well until next week, where the report will be longer ;p
Ehart Dak`wind
DUKE/Kabal Authority/BHG -JUD [CM: Kazar] [The Sex Kittens]
OBL(Obelisk)/AED/Dinaari of Taldryan SC-SoA
LCM BSx2/ISM/OV-2E [HUSS] [T/A: AfterShock]
{IWATS-IIC1/2/3-M1/2-RPG-ICQ} {Citadel -CH}
"If you blow us up. What ever is left of me is kicking your ass!"
email: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] IRC: Enigma ICQ: 16083310
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