Dark Infantry Elite Report #1, by OW Shadow
Howdy all, well all three people. Swipes has just opened up a new brigade and as you can prolly guess, its called Dark Infantry Elite Brigade. I have been chosen as Sergeant for this new brigade and I'd like to start some activities as soon as possible. As soon as possible being as soon as we recruit ourselves some new members.
First off, we're gonna need a website and graphics and all that shiz to get our name out there. So if you have anything you can contribute send it in and get a shiny medal =P
Secondly, we're goning to be the most elite brigade there is in the DB. So I want to see a lot of JK2 and/or JK matches being played. You guys can start sending in screenshots of all games you've played (starting now :P) so I can keep track. When we get more people we'll have an activity comp once every month (First week of each month). Most active member will get placed as second-in-command of the brigade and will be allowed to help plan out all activities, competitions, etc for that month. And yes, he'll still be allowed to participate in comps.
Thirdly, recruit your asses off!! DIE (Dark Infantry Brigade) and Dinaari need more active members. Invite friends, recruit off the zone or JK2 servers. Shar is allowing us to reward recruiting so lets start right away. If possible, work with this criteria:
*Member will be active on irc in #dinaari and #taldryan
*Introduce them to djb.org and make sure they'll do the SA, not just sign up and go inactive like most do
*Lastly, for the love of god make sure they arent som whiney 12 year old who bitches about every little thing. We've all seen them before, annoying as hell :P
Well thats all for my first email. I know very few people are recieving this, but I know we're the coolest in Dinaari at the moment so that's ok. And Jive, might as well ask Zotie if he'll join DIE when he gets into Dinaari.
OW Shadow (Obelisk)/P:CoG-M:OHC-SGT/Dinaari of Taldryan
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