Clan News:
DJK Tyrahn/SBM Enahropes Teriad Entar has transferred out to Clan Satal Keto where SBM Enahropes has taken the position of QUA of House Galthain. We wish them all the best and hope they return to us someday. This leaves the position of QUA of House Galeres open. I need someone who is dependable and active. If you think you can lead Galeres, please send an application to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and KAP Khobai ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).
Clan numbers are 2 up again, total now 49. :) Please welcome NOV Cespenar (Obelisk), GRD Triji Boliv (Sith), ACO Sandor Clegane (Sith) and old time Arconian, former Oriens Obscurum QUA and AED: SBM Lusankya!!!! Welcome, new and old memebrs!
Last night, there was a JK2 tourney held. This will be held every saturday at #Obelisk on 15.00 EST. I would like to commend DJK Talon Jade on participating in the competition! To stimulate this competition, every Arconian, especially who our Obelisk, will receive a Dark Cross for attending 5 times a official DB cometition where they play a game(s) of JK/JK2. For playing in 15 of these competitions, they will receive a Star of Eos! It does not matter if you win or lose, allthough kicking some ass is ofcourse preferred. :)
As little Clan Wide competition now: think of a bad guy name and a name for a bad guy race. The winner get a Dark Cross and the names will be used in the upcoming Clan Competition! Submit to me and Khobs.
House Oriens Obscurum is doing some great work in the Sith Wars. They managed a 4th place with their battleplan and website. And we all know that tactics are not strong point of our Sithies. :P We know our Sith are the best when it comes to KICKING ASS in real flying and I expect you to do so in the next phases of the Sith Wars! Rule the ladders, fly high scores in the SP battles!
For the Kraths the monthly topics are open till the 30th of april. I noticed some great submission and I am proud on all who have submitted so far., But there;s still time for those who havent done anything! Go write a poem and a story and make me proud of you too!
Respectfully submitted,
FM-PROF/LC E. Tarkin/Scorpion 1-3/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard/ASF
GSx2/SS/BSx2/PCx9/ISMx20/MoT-2rh-2gh/IS-1BW-1GW/LoC-PSx318/DFC-SWx17/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [GLDR] [Top-ACE-1st] [XA-TA] {IWATS-CBX-IIC/1-M/1/2-SM/2-XAM-XTM-XTT}
XvT Tactics Professor/WC's Own January 2002
SBL E. Tarkin (Sith)/CON/Clan Arcona, SC/SE/DC-KC-O/(SNB)/(BNG)(BNAu)/CoL {SA: CORE}
Consul of Arcona
House Oriens Obscurum
QUA Reaper, reporting in for House OO
JH X has been awarded the Steel Cross
SBM Enahropes Teriad Entar has been awarded the Dark Cross
House OO News
1) The comp with House Tridens is still under way, just for you ease of reference I have included the details below.
Single Player Flying:
All 3 platforms shall be used (TIE, XvT and XWA) - The total score divided
by the number of people in the house scoring system would be used. Highest
point total would get 5 points for the house - Also, the top 5 pilots
combined from both houses would get points. % points for 1st, 4 points for
2nd and so on. Points added to house total - Above scoring system would be
used for each platform - Submissions sent to the QUA's of the respective
houses. The choosen battles are DB-TIE 11, XvT-DB 4 and XWA-DB 2 all are
Multi-Player Ladder:
Oriens Obscurum pilots fight against Tridens pilots - Match scores to be
sent by winner, cc the loser as well as the AED's of each house. - The house
with the most wins gets 5 points for the house - Top 5 scorers combined also
get points for their respective house. % points for 1st, 4 for second and so
on - A tie equals .5 of a win, so two ties equals one win. - Combat can
either be 1on1 or 2on2
Every member of the house can compete, including the house summit so that
means you Tarks and Khob ;)
But whats in it for me I hear you cry, well besides the usually recognition
and academy points (I think it counts for them) you can win any of the
Awards for the top 3 pilots. Add up the individual points to find the top 3.
Steel Cross for first, War Cross for second and Dark Cross for third
Not only that but SW Striker has set up a little side wager, If we win the
comp overall we get one of GRD Defender's Prank Monkeys (I highly recommend
them BBQ'd :P) However if we lose, we have to give up oour prized novelty
bong from our ship the Long Bong.
So lets kick the tires and light the fires :))))
The Comp ends at the end of the month (30th April) and so far I have had a couple of entries for SP but we have had none for MP. So far participation has been a little on the poor side (and that putting it politely).. C'mon are we gonna let this lot trample all over us, or are we gonna put up a fight.
2) Sith Wars has been announced, this multi event comp has now entered the second stage. A battleplan put together by SBM Halcyon, PRT Nurel Turr and myself has been submitted. Considering none of us are tacticians I think we did fairly well, you will find the final plan attached. The next round is Emergency Strategy Change, which begins tomorrow, I will pass on the details then. Also the Multiplayer Ladders are now open, so if ya fancy it, kick the crap outta someone in a different House, afterall thats what they are there for :P. Here are the details
Start Date: Monday, Apr. 22, 0000h EST
End Date: Saturday, May 11, 2359h EST
Submit To: 1v1 Ladder, 2v2 Ladder
Multiplayer matches will be flown for X-Wings vs. TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance in a custom melee arena. You can download it here for X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter and here for X-Wing Alliance.
1 vs. 1 Matches
All 1-on-1 events must be flown with a 5/5 connection (each pilot hosts 5 minutes of the battle) using the special Sith Wars melee arena. After the match, the losing pilot will report via the ladder form. Any given pilot may only fly another pilot once and only once, regardless of House or Battle-Team.
2 vs. 2 Matches
2-on-2 matches are a competition strictly between Houses. Any two pilots from one House can fly any two pilots from another House, though the pilots on the same team must be from the same House. All 2-on-2 matches are flown in the Sith Wars melee arena. Matches are reported via the 2v2 ladder form, by one of the losing parties. There are no limits on how many matches any individual can play against any other individual.
Custom Arena Hint
Due to the nature of the arena, using the "O" button to locate your opponent is often the fastest way to find him, over the rest of the nasty things trying to kill you
3) JH X, long standing Commander of Pandragon squadron has had to resign his commission due to RL obligations. I would like to say thankyou for all your hard work over the past months and I am happy to see that you can stay on as a FM. However this does mean that the position is up for applications. if you are interested, please send you app to myself [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and to SBM Halcyon [Log in to view e-mail addresses] before the 26th April
4) CMDR Enahropes of Apocalypse has made a new website, which can be found at
I think that about covers it for this week, until next time
In Darkness
SBM Reaper
WC/GN Reaper/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
SS/BSx7/PCx6/ISMx6/MoI/MoT-1rh-1gh/IS-5BW-6SW-1GW/LoC-CSx5/MoC-2BoC-1GoC/CoS/CoB/CoLx2/OV-2E [GLDR],
A-9-"The Grim Reaper"
SBM Reaper (Sith)/QUA/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona,
Flight Leader, FL 2, Pandragon Squadron
House Qel-Droma
The Competition
The competition is over. All I have to do is finish totaling the scores. Look for an announcement soon on who won. Thanks to all those who participated.
The run-on and Battle Arena shall continue, with Letters of Commendation being handed out by me, Pala, or the two Tetrarchs.
Awards, Medals, and Promotions
1. Congratulations go out to JH ^Cyberguy^. He was the first person in the House to earn 5 Letters of Commendation and has been awarded with a Dark Cross.
2. There are a few people close to getting that fifth Letter. Keep up the good work.
3. There are no other medals, awards, or promotions that I know about at this time.
Arrivals and Departures
1. KAP D'hak is dead and has become KAP Sebastian. This really isn't an arrival or departure, but, we'll act like it is on :P
Other News
1. I kind of like htis new report format, so I'm going to keep it.
2. I still should get weekly reports from the TET's and I will add whatever you guys have that I don't. You guys should also send anyhting else directly to your phyles.
3. Keep up the good work and lets keep that run-on going.
4. Good luck to the three in the DB-wide Battle Arena.
KAP Kahn(Krath)/QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona, [KSOE: ENV], (SC)/(SE-WG)/DC-KC-O/(SN)/(BNB) {SA: CORE}
House Galeres
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