Dark Greetings all
Another week has passed within the DB and I am pleased to announce that activity is once again on the rise.
So I will get straight on with it as there are a lot of points to cover this week.
I am pleased to report I have seen many of being active and playing JK1 and JK2 this week.
Also we had a good turnout in the OHC`s competition in #Obelisk but lets not get complacent there are still other members who could turn up but I am not going to point any fingers you know how you are.
But overall activity is getting a lot better well done.
I would like you all to welcome PRT Glrofindel to House Cestus, I played him quite a few times in the FTF competition and he is a skilled player its good to see that we now have a lot of good players within the House.
Welcome PRT Glorfindel.
The Roster currently stands at 10 Dark Jedi
OW Gryffon
OW Ziguarath - QUA
DJK Darkov - AED
JH Blackhero
JH Gelton Torr - SGT
PRT Glorfindel
ACO Daryan
ACO Nelson - RM
ACO Talon Zetar - SGT
ACO Zekk
This week I promoted two members proof that activity is rewarded congratulations to:
ACO Talon Zetar
ACO Zekk
OW Ziguarath - GC
ACO Talon Zetar also received a Dark Cross for work that he has done to assist members of Cestus play JK2 multiplayer.
See the attatched document.
Okay I have created a second battle team so that we can intergrate JK2 into House Cestus.
JH Gelton Torr remains the SGT Battalion of Fear, and will be responsible for JK1 training within his team.
ACO Talon Zetar will be the SGT for Armoured Fist as he has proven his skills in JK2.
The Dark Hand has recently changed its name and motto to Battalion of Fear - Inhale - Kill - Exhale.
Okay the OHC is holding another Tourney in #Obelisk today at 3:00pm EST I would like to see more of you there this week.
I am currently in talks with the OHC and a QUA of another house about a house v house competition.
I will send you more information when we have finalised the details.
Both platforms will be supported and you will be able to participate in both.
What I need to know is how many of you will be participating and what platform you will be playing.
So get ready Cestus we are going to war.
ACO Nelson is still on leave.
OW Ziguarath 7/05/02 - 24/05/02
I will be on leave on the above dates and DJK Darkov will be running the show when I am away.
I have had a look at the JK2 editor this week and its looks quite complicated I will be looking at some tutorials when I am away and I will see if I can get my head around it so I can try to help anyone thats interested.
If anyone has any questions regarding JED the JK1 editor send your questions to the AED DJK Darkov who is very knowledgeable about creating levels in JK1.
Okay thats all from this week keep up the good work and feel free to email myself or DJK Darkov with any of your questions.
OW Ziguarath(Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG:INI] [KSOE:CC2] GC/(SC)/DC/(BN)/CF {SA:CORE-CH}
Now onto the Battle team reports.
Dark Greetings Battle Team,
this is your Sarge with his weekly report.
Our Battle Team has currently 6 members.At this place I want to congratulate ACO Talon Zetar for his achievements. Keep up the good work!
(Your Sarge already envies you about so much activity :P)
As far as I know there are no special comps this week. But of course there are the "normal" weekly comps where you can test your skills.
It seems the last traning I scheduled wasn´t very interesting for you, because no one exept Zekk appeared. I won´t schedule another one until I don´t get a reply from all of you in whixh timezone you live and what´s your favorite day for training is. The only reply I got on this matter until now was from Talon Zetar.
I finally got my copy of JK II. Therefore I´m from now on able to take part in comps and training. But give me some time to get used to the new gameplay, you are at least 3 weeks ahead of me :P
I also got only one response for the Battle Team motto from Talon Zetar. If anyone else doesn´t care about it, I will change it without further notice.
I think that´s all for now from my side.
Gelton Torr
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