Clan Scholae Palatinae "Easy aint for Jedi..." Consul: TBA ProConsul: Cuchulain ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) House Acclivis Draco Quaestor: Sabé Dracaena ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) House Caliburnus Quaestor: Darkmage ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) House Dorimad Sol Quaestor: Crusader([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dark dudes and dudettes!
I have sent this report through the House email lists as I do not think the Clan YahooGroup was updated while I was on leave. I will rectify this as soon as possible and send out a mail once it is done.
As the topic in #CSP said "The suspense is building"! Still no idea who is going to take over from Maverick as CSP Consul. It is all in the GM and DGM's hands now. I am sure you are all very happy to know that I have sent them both a manila envelope stuffed with used, non-sequential bills in the vain hope that they think about me when deciding. So I have to apologise now that I have no further info for you... Sorry.
Also, a few words on Maverick - he was a great Consul and we all wish him the best in his career in the HCI which is why he left. Please note that now he is one of the HCI dudes we should be more careful when we see him in #CSP - you can be sure he's taking notes... :P
I was away for a while (in case you didn't notice) as my laptop died a terrible death as my cat pulled it onto the floor. I have a new laptop now, thanks to the great people at Natwest Insurance, and I am currently rebuilding my address book. So with my new laptop with specs about 5 times better than my last one I went out and bought Jedi Knight 2. Yay! Finally, GRD Cooch can get back to whupping ass. Then I find out that the crappy frikking video card installed in the laptop doesn't frikking support openGL. What frikking use is that? So until I get it sorted, GRD Cooch will be lying about in bed...
But what do you care about that? You want to know what's going on with CSP. All the Quaestors and myself are busy working on a Clan Training System that runs alongside the Order Specific section of the Shadow Academy. Have a look at the HAD report for more information on how they are handling it. I will be kicking the asses of the other House Summits to get them moving on with their own projects...
Again, it seems, I have to reiterate something. The Brotherhood of Dark Jedi is part of Emperor's Hammer, one of the biggest, if not the biggest, online Star Wars fan clubs. Online. That's the key word. This is not real life and is no where near as important. Real Life is what matters and although we want you to be as active as possible and give as much as you can to the club for the benefit of all its members you should never allow it to get in the way of anything that does not require the use of a keyboard. No-one's gonna get pissed off if you have more important stuff to do than take part in a run-on, fly some battles or clash sabres with someone. This club is about one thing - having fun. If that isn't happening then you need to speak to someone, and that someone can be your BattleTeam Commander, Aedile, Quaestor, or even shock horror me. We are here to serve you, not the other way about.
Apart from that there isn't much to say... I'll announce on the CSP mailing list about the Consul position once I know anything.
That is all...
KE Cuchulain (Krath)/P:KHP-PCON GC/(SC-SoA)/(SE-LS)(SE-WG)/DC-KC-O-CS-D/(SNB)/(BNG)(BNB)/(DSS) "We must use our powers to extinguish the light..."
ProConsul's Report:
See all the crap above...
House Acclivis Draco Report:
Apologies for the late report, yesterday was Ticket Day and I was scrambling to secure all the 28 tickets I needed to get for people! ;)
EBON CLOAK Announcement After some consideration, Cym and I have shifted the Phyles around for HAD... Dragon Guard stays where it is, Drynwyn's Flame has temporarily been suspended, and the (in)famous Ebon Cloak has been re-opened! The Ebon Cloak is for new arrivals to HAD - whether they be lower-ranked, or even higher-ranked Jedi - so that they can take some time to get acquainted with the House... and who better to lead than former Tetrarch of the Ebon Cloak, Archpriest Saitou! Details will be coming to Phyle members on the Ebon Cloak maillist.
Activities New Monthly Topics for May are here - check the Activities section below for details.
Masters/Students Wanted Students available - PRT LilHawke ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), and ACO Caligatio ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Mentors available - KP Timbal ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Get in touch with each other! Any questions please email me.
T-Shirts - KAP Saitou ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) has these for around $26. Check out the design at - it's #2 from the HAD logo comp. Mine is coming in the mail and I can't wait to wear it in line over at the Chinese theater!
That's all this week.
Archpriestess Sabé Dracaena Quaestor, Acclivis Draco and Magistrate to the Herald GC/(SC-SoI)(SC-SoA)/SE-WG/DC-KC-O-CS-D/(GNB)/(BNG)/(LSS)/CoL "That which does not kill me... had better be able to run away damn fast"
Activities: (*Remember to cc the House Summit on anything you submit to outside activities!)
Krath Monthly Competitions - April 2002 The story topic is "Justice," and the poem, a ballad, is "A Tale of the Dark." Visit the Krath page at for details.
HAD Message Boards Check the Message Board at for other general news, discussion, etc.
Master/Student Program DA J`Lek Arcanos / NOV Tirna Q'jira KE Cuchulain / JH Alisande Sayeesa KE Karva Dronaal / GRD Avantar KAP Sabé Dracaena / JH Loor KAP Saitou / GRD Dengar March KP Cymbre Kall / NOV Kystl Wiska DJK Corde Aghasett / PRT Talons Pryde DJK Death/ JH Xythian DJK Etras Aglen / ACO Iul Danth DJK Krail Darkblade / PRT Zedder
If you want a master or can take a student, please email me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and I will try to get you set up. We are especially in need of more Masters, anyone ranked DJK or above who would be willing please let me know.
Aedile's Report:
Dark Greetings!!! Happy Belated Birthday (at least I think!) to Caligatio - it was Wednesday or at least thats what ICQ told me if its not really well - who cares Happy Birthday anyway! AND thats not all! Happy Early Birthday to Satiou whos Birthday is coming up also!!! Yay for birthdays!
Satiou is also the new Tetrarch of Ebon Cloak, a Phyle that will be helping the PRTs and under get promoted. If you are PRT and under and are NOT in the Dragon Guard, you have already been placed in this Phyle and Satiou will be giving you all the details soon.
New Krath Monthly Topics and Monthly Poem Topics are out. In April there was tons of submissions, so make May just a great! CC Sabe and I ([Log in to view e-mail addresses] & [Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - and your Master, TET, or anyone else ya feel like showing! Also, alsways feel free to send in fiction you write even if it isnt for a comp! It's a great way to show activity.
...Ok, this shoulda been in my report, but it's not soooo -- FYI...I will be out of town in Indianapolis this weekend at the Star Wars Celebration 2 convention thingy, having fun and meeting celebs...
AND...GASP! I'll actually be representing the EH by handing out stuff and and doing my best to recruit peeps and all that!
And you will all see the pics of my adventure when I get back!!!
So basically...I won't be around until Monday!!!! Cym dances!
~ Cymberry (who's gonna meet Hayden Christianson!!! He's so hot...)
In Darkness, KP Cymbre Kall (Krath)/AED/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae, (SC-SoA)/(SE)/DC-KC-O-C-D/(GN)/(BNG)/LoA {SA: CORE-CH-O:KS-O:KGS} Dossier # 497 "I like to experience life in all its agonizing glory..."
Oathmaster's Report:
So, once again you find a new edition of my OM report in your inbox. And as many times earlier, not much have happened. I am trying a new layout, a very simple one though. Roster additions / removals None. Promotions: Rage Dawnstar was promoted from Novice to Acolyte. Congratulations! Caligatio recieved a promotion from Acolyte to Protector. Congratulations! Medals: None Studies: Erryc Lasitter passed the Krath Grammar Studies. Good work!
So, this was all. Be active so I have something to write about until next week!
JH Loor (Krath)/RM-Tyro/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [SE / DC] {SA: CORE-CH}
Dragon Guard Report:
Some new changes have taken place. They are stated below in the news, but let me just say that with the removal of DF, and the new setup that will be talked about in the house report, DG will hopefully be getting some more new members:)
News Maverick, leader of our Clan, has stepped down to become a Dancer.. er, Inquisitor rather:P Congrats to him! The Phyle DF is no longer around. Instead "Ebon Cloak" Is now the new Newbie Phyle! KAP Saitou has left DG to become Tetrarch for Ebon Cloak, Congrats to him! HAD T-Shirts are available! For information go here.%20 * %20ACO%20Caligatio%20is%20talking%20about%20possibly%20getting%20a%2015%%20price%20cut%20on%20lightsabers%20from%20"> If you are interested then read the messages in your inbox:P The MSC2(Master-Student Competition #2) is still going on! Good luck to all you who are participating. I want to see more people on IRC( in the Channels #CSP and #HAD . New Members
No new people this week:(
Competitions MSC2 is near the end, phase 4 will be starting soon, so those of you are participating and need information or rules, visit Krath Monthly Fiction is still going strong. This months topic is "War". Start writing! A Monthly Poem Focus is open too, details at House and up Competitions are listed here, and Phyle Competitions are here. Have a Dragon Guard Competition Idea? Let me know:) Dengar's IRC Art Hey, anyone have art that they want to show can email it to me and I will put it in here:)
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Front View of a TIE Advanced made by me... Looks kind of streched and Outlook messed it up, but it looks way better on IRC. Remember to check out the DG site at
Dengar March
GRD Dengar March (Krath)/TET/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae SC/BZ/DC {SA: CORE-CORE-CH} [Student of Saitou]
Ebon Cloak Report:
Coming next week!
Acclivis Draco Homepage: Acclivis Draco Message Board: - Dragon Guard Homepage: Scholae Palatinae Resource Page: Scholae Palatinae Message Board: Krath Homepage: Dark Brotherhood Page:
House Caliburnus Report:
Well today I start my new Career as Questor of HC I am most proud an honoured to take this post I am not going to bore any of you with EH experience and the other things people generally put into these things. All I am going to say is input is always Welcome and the Fun we have all been having is about to increase by Ohhh quite a bit SW pred did a great Job and started something here that Together we are going to Finish that is put HC on the Top of the DB clans and keep it there Of course the others houses are not going to lie down and let us but looking at the members in this house i don't think there Really equipped to stop us With that in mind of course like all things Great sounding they need hard work to back them up and I am not afraid of Hard work and neither are any of you So this should work Just fine
Hopefully as soon as I have spoke to the AED and the Battle team commanders we will have some comps and other activity's for you to have a dabble at but Of course the Sith Wars is on at the moment and the house is winning the MP ladders thanks to the Efforts of new promoted DJK Dae And Demos Great Job there guys
I know alot of you are flying and doing the SP battles and entering the comps so well done all
I hope to speak to all of you real soon and i would like to let it know my door or email box is always open
SW Darkmage (Sith)/QUA/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae DC-KC/(BN)/CF
House Dorimad Sol Report:
None recieved. Just cos Maverick's not about any more and we don't have a Consul doesn't mean we can slck off now...
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