Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Sapphire Squadron Report as of 11/05/2002

Yet another week of little or no activity, what a surprise, I think I'll go back to drinking. :P


Also none this week, this can't be good can it?


1 Sith Wars: Hopefully event four will be released soon and then I hope to see an increase in activity.

2 Monthly Flying Comp: All pilot files come to me and Scithe, so far three people have sent in files already but I hope to see more.

3 Monthly Melee: If anyone is actually taking part in this and I really doubt it use the HLK ladder page to report it. :P

Just to reiterate since people are claiming I've never said this I need someone to build a new Sapphire Webpage. There no excuse now.

Ok folks that's it for another week.

SW Janos Silverwulf(Sith)/CMDR/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

The Last Drunken CMDR

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