This week saw the dissolution of Oracle, so I'm only the CHAN now :( But worry not, I'm still handling everything Dark Voice related, so continue to send in submissions to me! Due to a server switch on my admin's part, you can now find the DV at:
I'd like to thank SCL Grail for updating the medals so quickly. With the new Crescents in place, please begin to award them appropriately. Also, I've decided that the change will be retroactive: Gold Crescents will become Crescents with Diamond Stars, Silver Crescents will become Crescents with Ruby Stars, and Bronze Crescents will become Crescents with Amethyst Stars. Before doing this manually, I'm going see if Grail can work some ASP love and do it himself :P Here's the system once again:
Glass Star (Cr-1G) Third in Battle Team
Emerald Star (Cr-1E) _Third in House, Second in Battle Team_
Sapphire Star (Cr-1S) _Third in Clan, Second in House, First in Battle Team_
Amethyst Star (Cr-1A) _Third in Order, Second in Clan, first in House_
Ruby Star (Cr-1R) _Second in Order, first in Clan_
Diamond Star (Cr-1D) _First in an Order-wide competition_
All of this information will be located in the DSC, once DGM Astatine completes his updates. Speaking of the new DSC, I'm going to wait until all of the changes to Battleteams and other items are complete to release my Competition Guide. I am doing this because a lot of what I'm writing about centers on such subject matter, and if it changes I'll just have to do a lot of rewriting. The Guide is outlined, however, so a lot of preliminary work is done.
That's all for this week. Remember, send all Dark Voice submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
<td valign="top"><font face="Verdana" color="#9400D3">Shadow Adept/Archpriest Shadonyx,<font color="#000080"> Chosen of Shar</font>
Chancellor and Oracle of the Dark Brotherhood
</td> </tr> </table>
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