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<table class="table" border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="96%"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: An Old Face, A New Command
Type: Tetrach Report
Date: Thursday, May 16, 2002
Update by: **[Log in to view e-mail addresses] </p> </td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">
<p class="report">Footsteps echoed down the long hallways of House Acclivis Draco as J'Lek Arcanos, a Dark Adept who had spent much time in service to his Clan as a leader, made his way to the meeting chambers of the Ebon Cloak phyle. Concealed in the hood of his cloak, he allowed himself a nostalgic grin. The Ebon Cloak had been his first command, ages ago, though that was short lived as the needs of the House had soon called on him to serve as Aedile. He had been a Guardian then, only just recently graduated from the Shadow Academy...but that was another era, one where the Academy took Apprentices and guided them all the way to Guardian, one where Apprentices could join Houses...</p>
<p class="report">He focused his attention back on his walk. He could have used any number of other ways to get to the Ebon Cloak's meeting chambers, but he had always appreciated a bit of ceremony to these sorts of things. All things considered, a Dark Adept striding the halls (with the sound of his footsteps boosted through the Force to add just the right amount of dramatic effect) always seemed to cause the others in the House to sense an ambiance of an important event. He allowed himself a pleased grin as he saw his student, the Novice Tirna Q'jira, waiting at the entrance to the halls that were dedicated to Ebon Cloak's activities. Apparently drawing on whatever experience she had obtained with ceremony during her time as a member of the Tetan Royal Family, she silently fell into step behind him, positioned slightly to his right, following the instructions that he had given her to the letter. The two Dark Jedi proceeded in silence, their footsteps the only sound in the hallway as the approached the entrance to the chamber. At a silent signal, the Novice increased the length of her stride so that she would enter the chamber just before him. The doors opened at their approach...</p>
<p class="report">Everyone was present. A good sign, the Adept mused to himself, considering that all they received was a message that gave them a time and a place and the words "Formal Robes, please". He advanced to the front of the chamber and gazed at each member of the phyle in turn, his own eyes shrouded by the hood of his cloak.</p>
<p class="report">"You are young."</p>
<p class="report">He paused as he surveyed the Dark Jedi again, noting the chevrons on the white robes of the newer members, Acolytes and Novices alike.</p>
<p class="report">"You are inexperienced."</p>
<p class="report">His eyes regarded the several Jedi in Protector blue.</p>
<p class="report">"You are untested."</p>
<p class="report">His eyes took in the entire group as he paused to use the Force to plant thoughts in the minds of those assembled before him that would cause them to contemplate their own worth.</p>
<p class="report">"Clan Scholae Palatinae has a vast history, a history that no single member of this Clan can relate. We have traditions of honor and integrity, traditions of trust and respect. As members of House Acclivis Draco, you are bound to honor the history of the Clan and uphold our traditions. You are part of a House that can claim to be the best Krath House in the Brotherhood, not only by the sheer number of our victories, but also by the way we conduct ourselves."</p>
<p class="report">He paused for a moment. "There are those in the Brotherhood who would not give you the time of day because of your rank. These Dark Jedi would not even deem you as a threat." He regarded each in turn again, using the moment to review every word that he needed to say to his new phyle.</p>
<p class="report">"I know differently, as do all of your fellow clansmen. You might not have enough power combined to cause any higher ranking Jedi to quake with fear, but together, you are indeed a force to be reckoned with." He regarded each in turn. "I am J'Lek Arcanos, and there are many good reasons why I wear these dark robes. A great deal of my time in the Brotherhood has been spent as a leader. I am pleased to announce that the House Summit has appointed me as the new Tetrarch of your phyle. While I get reacclimated to the post of Tetrarch, I have some requests to make of all of you. Since the last time that I served as Tetrarch, the computer systems of the Brotherhood have advanced to a point where just about every piece of information that one could desire can be accessed from a central location. To allow me to get an idea of your strengths and weaknesses, I would like each of you to log into the central database on Eos and make sure that you each have an accurate Skills Profile. Be honest about your skills, but do not be over-critical of your abilities. I plan to periodically record what you have in your profiles and personal histories in my own records for the phyle so that I might have this information available to me when my connection to the Holonet is down, so please be sure that you keep your information up-to-date."</p>
<p class="report">"I said before that we are a Clan that upholds tradition. I now must also say that few things please me more than the chance to implement new ideas. Therefore, while we will use the tried-and-true, I would also ask that you bring to me any ideas that you might have, even if they seem a little crazy. If I think that it might be worth our time, we just might try it."</p>
<p class="report">"Do not feel like you have to earn my respect or trust, for you already have it. Though our ranks differ greatly, I see all of us as colleagues, and I will give you the same respect as I would another Dark Adept until you do something that proves that you are undeserving of such respect."</p>
<p class="report">He chuckled quietly. "I suppose I have rambled on for long enough. Are there any questions...?"</p>
<p align="center"></p>
<p class="report">Or, in plain Basic...</p>
<p class="report">I'm glad to be the new Tetrarch of Ebon Cloak. While I get used to the job again, I'd like everyone to update your skills profiles on the DB domain. If you need any help or have any questions--or crazy ideas--e-mail me at [JLek_hadcsp@hotmail.com](mailto:JLek_hadcsp@hotmail.com)</p>
<p class="report">DA [J'Lek Arcanos](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=61) (Krath)/Tetrarch/[House Acclivis Draco](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=28) of [Clan Scholae Palatinae](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=10)</p>
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