** House Caliburnus Aedile's Report #1: 5/23/2002**
As this is my first report, I apologize for the poor layout. I will attempt to make a more visually appealing and structured one in the next week or two, as time between my other duties. Also, if I missed anything important in this first report, I apologize, and will remedy the situation next week :)
To begin, I'd like to introduce myself to those of you who might not know me, and to give those who do a bit of a personal history (this bit is somewhat longwinded and can be skipped without missing anything ;) ). I am DJK Dae Cam, recently appointed as the new AED of House Caliburnus. I've been with the Emperors Hammer Strike Fleet for some time now (roughly a year and a half), and have served all over the fleet. My career began as a pilot aboard the SSD Soverign. There, I was considered fairly skilled at MP, and was invited to join the TIE Corps' elite Avenger Squadron. While serving in Avenger, I was introduced to the DB by a fellow flight member, and joined House Oriens Obscurum as a Sith. As an active member of the DB, I was asked to transfer to command a new multiplayer special operations squadron aboard the Brotherhood's newest ship, the ISD Subjugator, when it was comissioned. After several months as commander, and after having earned a a number of impressive honors for the squad with DJK Demos and others, I stepped down from military life for a stint as a civilian to further my education in electronic engineering.
As a civilian, I soon got bored, and became interested in politics. As such, I joined the Directorate, which is the governmental arm of the Emperors Hammer. There, I served in a rapid succession of positions, including Regional Governor, Planetary Governor, and eventually System Moff. While serving as Moff, I joined in some corperate ventures, such as Solaris Ship Yards. After some time of this though, my old combat reflexes acted up, and I felt the urge to step back into a fighter.
Presening myself before the Master at Arms, I once again joined one of the Sith Houses of the Dark Brotherhood, and returned to active duty in the TIE Corps as the commander of my old squadron, Talon. In the Dark Brotherhood, however, I joined a different house, this one a new, rising star among the Sith - House Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae. Under the leadership of SW Predator, the house grew to what it is now. However, during the great sith wars, Predator transferred to act as Proconsul of Clan Taldryan. We thus arrive at the present.
Position Shuffling:
Aedile: Recently, we've had quite a large ammount of position shuffling in the house, which I'll try to explain to the best of my abilities. To begin, the former AED, SW Tiger was forced to step down due to a mix of RL demands and computer trouble. He does however remain with the house to loan us his experience. In his place, I have been apointed to the position of AED, an opportunity for which I thank QUA Darkmage.
Rollmaster: While in the past this might have been largely an honorary position, QUA Darkmage and I intend for the position to serve as an active and productive member of the House Summit, with the responsibilities and privilages that accompany such. The current rollmaster is having technical trouble, and cannot be contacted via email, irc, icq, or like methods. As such, we would like to strongly encourage all interested members to apply for the position to both QUA Darkmage and myself.
Nightshade Commander: Finally, JH Bane Wolfblood has recently stepped down from the position of Nightshade commander, though he remains to support the battleteam as a flight member. As such, we are seeking a new commander for the squadron. While several applications are currently being considered, it is not too late to submit one.
Congradulations are due to GRD Bobaxvi and to PRT Kane Reese on their respective promotions!
Medals: - DJK Demosthenes was awarded a Steel Cross! Congradulations!
General House Policy:
QUA Darkmage and myself are currently working on several general House policies, such as having defined the RM's role as mentioned above, a new training program with master-student type structure, and a number of other things. The training in particular promises to be very beneficial to all house members, and
House Web Page: - Finally, I am working on a web page for House Caliburnus. The page has an evolving members section, with a completely automated php backend. Roughly half of the work has been done, and I hope to have it released in a week or two. If you have any skill with graphcis, please let me know. I am always looking for people to assist in graphic creation and/or to submit graphics for the member's compendium.
Sith Wars:
The Sith Wars are nearing an end, and House Caliburnus and Nightstalker squadron are ranked very well. The Sith High Warrior has recently announced a relatively low participation in the final, SP event, and this provides us an opportunity to take the honor of First House of the Sith. If you have not done so, please fly one of the battles found at: http://www.sithorder.org/comps/sithwar1/events/event4.html
Send completed submissions to myself, QUA Darkmage, and the Sith High Warrior ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses] ). In the letter, be sure to indicate your house and battleteam!
Other Competitions:
**While we have a number of other competitions lined up, the Sith Wars take precedence and others are postponed until their conclusion.
While I get the lingering feeling that I'm forgetting something, and I really apologize if I am, its late, and I can't think, so I'll bid you farewell, and MAy the Dark Side of the Force Be With You.
**DJK Dae Cam (Sith)/AED/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae
<small> {SA: CORE-CORE-CH}</small>**
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