Greetings Battleteam members,
this is another issue of "News from your Sarge". I know it´s one day late, but I hope you will forgive me.
Your roster currently stands at 6 members. No transfers in or out as far as I know.
Although it doesn´t concern us as a JK battleteam, I inform you about a JK II tournament tomorrow May 25th from 3PM EST on. Meetingpoint is #obelisk.
Normally I would write here: "No other special comps except the normal weekly ones", but I have been asked to specify these comps a little bit:
Euro Comp: May 25th 9 AM EST
Saturday Night Training: May 25th 8 PM EST
Vanguard Shield Comp: May 26th 12 PM EST
Tempest Storm: May 27th 7 PM EST
TC BG Training Night: May 28th 5 PM EST
Frozen Doom: May 28th 10 PM EST
Greenwich Wolf Comp: May 29th 3.30 PM EST
ASF Comp: May 29th 7´PM EST
Night of the Lost Souls: May 30th 3 PM EST
AusComp: May 31st 8 AM EST
Sovereign Nighthawk Comp: May 31st 3 PM EST
I think I got them all together. These are the weekly comps you can take part in. Meetingpoint is always #EHCOC
In the last training I scheduled apparently noone was interested or noone had time for it. I leave that desicion up to you. The next training I will schedule for Sunday the 26th 5PM GMT. If this time noone shows up again, you will have to do some serious explanation to me why you had no time for it 3 times in a row. Consider this not as a threat just as an information.
nothing to mention here this week.
That´s all.
SGT Gelton Torr
JH Gelton Torr(Obelisk)/SGT/Cestus of Tarentum
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