Dark dudes and dudettes!
Lookie here! KHP Mairin Astoris has gone on leave. That means I'm the Krath Daddy now! Mai, for some mental reason, has seen fit to leave the Krath Order in my hands, and that means there's a party in her quarters immediately after this report is finished! :P
That means I had to set the topic for the Krath Monthly Topics (fiction and poetry). Check out the main DJB.org site to get the full info. Although it is a Krath Monthly Topic, that does not mean I only want to see submissions from Krathites. If any Obelisk or Sith dudes want to write something for it and send it in, you'll have just as much chance winning as any of the other dudes. Lets get this months' topics won by someone other than a Krath... that'd be cool...
The Sithies of the House have done us proud and pretty much come from no-where to take the title of Second Sith House. Yay Cali! I foresee good things coming in the next Sith competition... Congratulations to NightStalker Squadron as well who were second Squadron overall.
Do you realise how difficult it is to get a GameCube? I went all over Manchester yesterday (and made loads of phone calls too) and no-one has any in stock. Dirt-bags... I wanted to try out my X-Wing skills on yet another platform...
The Dark Side Compendium has recently undergone an over haul, with a LOT of the information in it updated, changed or even thrown out and replaced. Go check it out and keep yourself up to date in the changes in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. One of the main things to look for is the info on Battle Teams... If you are a Master you are expected to give guidance to your student. Therefore you should check up on the DSC so as to give your student the best guidance you can.
Now I'm off to bed cos I feel like crap...
That is all...
KE Cuchulain (Krath)/P:KHP-CON/Clan Scholae Palatinae
"We must use our powers to extinguish the light..."
ProConsul's Report:
Greetings CSPers (especially our new members),
If you have just transfered into or just joined our clan, I extend my welcome to you. If you are older, then I just crack the whip and tell you to get to work :P
For this month I hope that we can get a few clan competitions running. So far I have had a request for a clan run-on that all orders can participate in. A "history" run on. So you would go and write about how you got something special like your lightsaber or your armor or whatever. If this sounds like a good idea, please email me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and say "Yo Saitou! I want a clan run-on!" Also in the area of competition... I have heard a few HADlers ask for shirts. I am currently out. If you want the first shirt, I can still get more made. However, I think it may be nicer to get a clan shirt made up that integrates all three of our houses and clan identity. This will allow more people to work on and get one, but I'll deal with specific house comps too (remember its best if ten are ordered). More details to come...
And do mail me if interested in designing/buying a clan shirt :P
Now on to the training program. Cooch has put me in charge of this on the clan level, but work will need to be done mostly on the house and lower levels. I am still trying to figure out his unfinished website (sorry I'm slow, I'll probably make a new one), but I would like to see all three houses make up a plan for themselves. Our Sith house is impressing me with what they've put together already! Our Krath have an entire phyle dedicated to training, that may be an idea. Also I am about to publish online the clan guidelines to Master/Student pairings (with help from Cooch and Mike) so be ready to see and follow those rules. Do not worry, they are loose but just have rough areas to stay in. (Masters are DJK+, Students are JH- sort of thing).
Remember my office is always open. If you have any question, I will be ready to help you (or send you to a better person if need be). Also look for me on mIRC in our clan channel #csp. Keep sharp and keep writing/flying/sabering. We will become the #1 clan soon!
PCON Saitou
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