Welcome to the first report of the Dark Renegade Battle Team.
This is my first report. Please do not expect much. Next time i'll have more.
DJK Ric Gravin enters Bob's office. "Hello" Gravin says. Bob stands up, "Hello, about time you showed up. Where's your report." "Right here in my hands," Gravin says as he hands it to him.......
Goluud Graphics Competition
As the house website is in desperate need of graphics this competition will hopefully solve that problem.
TASK: Create any graphic that involves either House Primus Goluud or the Obelisk Order. It can be a banner, logo, image, anything at all as long as it keeps with HPG or the Obelisk.
First Place: Crescent with Amethyst Star
Second Place: Crescent with Sapphire Star
Third Place: Crescent with Emerald Star
All entries will receive house points for their work.
Start Date: June 1st, 2002
Due Date: June 15th, 2002
Send all entries to Quaestor Bob.
House Motto Competition
House Primus Goluud has had the same motto since pretty much its beginning.
Legio Patria Nostra
I would like to change this motto as the meaning (The Legion is our Fatherland) dosen't really fit in with the house. So your job is too come up with a new Motto. I would like to keep with tradition and have it still be in latin, but you are not required to submit one in latin.
First Place: Crescent with Amethyst Star
All entries will receive house points for their work.
Start Date: June 1st, 2002
Due Date: June 15th, 2002
Send all entries to Quaestor Bob.
CNS Message Board
Go post on it.
I will be talking to Mr. Bob this week about holding a Competition in Dark Renegade. I will make sure they are good one's and worth spending your time on.
I see more people joining the house as I write this email. If we get more than 5 in the Battle Team I will be choosing an XO for the BattleTeam, for when i need to go on leave or need to take a break. I will let them know there Job once the person is chosen. Good Luck.
In Darkness
DJK Ric Gravin (Obelisk)/SGT/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow DC
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