Consul Report


Consul Report

Dark dudes and dudettes!

Busy, busy, busy. Not only have I been dealing with all things Krath this week as Mairin is on leave and left me the keys to the Order bar. Then Crusader announces that he is resigning. D'oh! Check the news page for all the details on that. Applications are being accepted, and I want to make an announcement as soon as possible, so get them in to me as soon as possible. I have had a few very impressive applications already, but you still have a few days left to get one in. If you leave it too long then I will just think that you don't really want the position.

As I mentioned before, I have been left in charge of the Krath Order in Mai's absence. One of the duties I have been given is running the Krath Monthly Topics, and this month's topics are "The Sabre". I'd like to see as many people as possible from the whole Clan, not only HAD, taking part. Just because it is a Krath Monthly Topic doesn't mean that all you Sithies and Obbies can't take part too.

I also have to point out about competitions. Saitou goes into comps in his section, but some people don't know how to go about starting one. All competitions have to be okayed by the DGM, and this is done by going to his site and filling in the form there.

As well as applications for the Quaestor slot for HDS, my Inbox has also been bulging with entries for the Clan Recruitment posters, and I have to say I am very impressed with the standard of artwork coming from CSP. Keep the posters coming in!!

Have fun y'all!!

That is all...

KE Cuchulain (Krath)/P:KHP-CON/Clan Scholae Palatinae


"We must use our powers to extinguish the light..."

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