Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Wow, the report number matches the day i sent it...cool..

House Marka Ragnos Weekly Report #9

June 9, 2002

Roster Count: 26(woohoo! keep up the recruiting!)

Quaestor: KP J`Rai

Aedile: DJK Tomaas Banys

Rollmaster: JH Kant Lavar(until they dissolve the position, you're

stuck with it :P)

NH Tet: DA Mejas Doto

ND Tet: TBA(I've got 2 people in mind, so Tomaas' mentioning in his

report was a little premature b/c after we discussed it, I decided I

wasn't necessarily going to go with my first choice, so therefore I

will announce it soon. keep your pants on :P)

Keeper: KP StarLion


DJK Figaro rejoins the house, welcome back Figgy!

DJK Werdna Elbee joins us, welcome Werdna!

GRD Osan'gar joins us, welcome Os!

GRD Vicious'wok joins us, welcome!


GRD Kant Lavar promoted to Jedi Hunter, congrats my young apprentice,

drinks are on you this week :P

J`Rai recieves an LSS for coming in second for SHW Yacks' trivia at

the meeting on Saturday, yay me!


KMTs are going on, topic for both the poem and the fiction are Sabre,

due in by the end of the month. Let's get some activity with this

one, I want to atleast one member of HMR place. Also send me and

StarLion your submission so you can get credit for doing it and get

it placed on your archives.

Run-on happening at the HMR board, POST TO IT!! :P

I am working on 2 house-wide comps...one puts phyle vs. phyle, the

other puts member against member....which do you want to do first?

Respond to this mail with your choice.

That's it for this week, if I missed anything, I apologize. I'm

working off of about 3 hours of sleep the whole weekend and I'm quite

rushed. Post to the run-on and submit to the KMT, atleast one of the


Until my next rant or report, whichever comes first :P

~KP J`Rai

Quaestor of HMR

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