Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

SBM Darkonian reporting

Clan news:

greetings member of CSK,

Consul Drako has, due to RL problems gone on an extended leave. We hope every thing goes well and that he will be back soon.

in other words i'll be the one you have to serve for the next week or too!

last week i had started an AWOL check, clan wide, and got only three responses in. ok so i didn't write it in capital letters or

something, it was more like a test to see if you guys even bothered reading my reports. well you failed miserably!!

now with me not wanting to AWOL 3/4 of the clan just because they are either lazy or having problems reading small letters i'm


YOUR BUTT! phew i hope all of you got the msg now!!!

now that i have your attention i might aswell ask you something, due to the uncertainty of the starting date of the GJW and cause

we don't want to be called slacks :P , we'll be doing a comp ,to pass the time and as a training for you guys.

now knowing that some of you is either having a house comp going or planning on a feud (kirleta) the question is what would suit you

guys more: a three way comp with naga sadow and arcona ? or a clan comp ?

depending on your votes will see what the clan and house summits will do. yet should i by this time next week have less than 30 votes

(our clan is at 60 members atm) then we'll decide what is good for you, cause you are apparently not able to!

Another thing , there is currently a poll on the DB site for the name of a SW: Galaxies, the mmorpg, clan name for EH members.

the entries either current csk or x csk members : go vote!

as for normal clan news , lots of stuff has happened this week:

kirleta :

more new members coming in , some new some old CSK'ers returning from rogue

Reza is rocking the house comp, and other mp comps , he got him self a total of 23 new CoF's since my last report.... and that was

last week :P


things not going so good for our krath house it dropped to 11 members which caused TT to close one of the 2 phyles.

there are plans for a recruiting drive, i hope it pays off and the house can return to its former glory.


after the very disappointing results from the sith war , CON Drako initiated an Awol check, he had to send an extra mail before

replies started to come in. GUYS WAKE UP!!

Lazarus has taken command of Delphian Squadron after the Resignation of Gidda, we wish you luck in your new position!

For the most recent DB news go check the news site!

All pls notice that Thallium is in effect! it is giving team leaders more powers , but also ask them to be more involved and actually

work! pls read the revised version of the DSC! one of the good things is the higher medals all of command positions can award now.

battle team commanders are able to award DC's and crescents!


this week i'll be putting the medals in two ways. the first for those who like to see a looooong list and feel the power of csk, the

other for those who want the bottom line of things! :P

here goes list 1:

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: ACO Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: ACO Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: GRD Gryphon_Garou (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: ACO Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: ACO Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: ACO Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: ACO Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: ACO Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: ACO Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: ACO Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: ACO Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: OWL Rizlib (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: PRT Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: OWL Rizlib (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: OWL Rizlib (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Crescent w/ diamond Star (D)

Requested for: OWL Rizlib (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: PRT Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: PRT Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: PRT Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: PRT Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: PRT Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: PRT Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: PRT Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: PRT Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: PRT Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: PRT Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: PRT Reza (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: PRT Reza (Obelisk)

wow! looong , no?

now for version 2:

*Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF) x23

Requested for: PRT Reza (Obelisk)

*Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF) x3

Requested for: OWL Rizlib (Obelisk)

*Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: GRD Gryphon_Garou (Obelisk)

*Medal Requested: Crescent w/ diamond Star (D)

Requested for: OWL Rizlib (Obelisk)

the second one tells us more than the first, no? we have one hyper active obelisk trooper, great work Reza, and all medals have

been awarded to kirleta members, actually only 3 of them.

sure it's a great thing , but only for these peoples , maybe for kirleta, but not the clan!

where are CoF's for sith mp? or any other comp??i can only repeat : WAKE UP GUYS BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

with a member count of 60 it shouldn't be difficult for 10 of you to get a medal, especially if it's a mp medal!


Promotions :

Four Promotions this week, again not bad at all! and congrats to you guys!

Jaruus (Obelisk)

Novice (NOV) -> Acolyte (ACO)

Molotov (Obelisk)

Guardian (GRD) -> Jedi Hunter (JH)

Aishea (Obelisk)

Protector (PRT) -> Guardian (GRD)

Reza (Obelisk)

Acolyte (ACO) -> Protector (PRT)

grats again!

In & Out :

all pls welcome :

Novice TK-2107 our newest man..... bot ?... in galthain :P

Battlemaster Raistlin & Jedi Hunter Mareek Of Thal both of them join kirleta!

JH Cray Mikalen transferred out to rogue leaving kirleta, hope to see you back with us soon!

ok the following doesn't qualify as in & out news, but it's transfers none the less:

DJK Tomaas Montte & DJK Tatsu Kogarasu, both formerly of Aleema have changed order to become sith and thus has been transferred to Galthain. hope you like it Galthain guys!


no , no new pics this week , it's as i said on ice for indefinite time (till you wake up ! :| )

but i'll be judging the entries for the very last round , and have medals awarded upon the last standing of it!


The ANH movie poster from the time it was supposed to be released as

"Forcezilla" by Kaiann


han: oh noo a bajillion stormtroopers !!!!!! what're

you laughing at farm boy????

leia: what you act as if your daddy runs the galaxy

you nerf herder.

luke: he does mmmmmmuuuuuhahhahahahahaha by Waza


Mark Hammil unleashed his own power of the Dark Side - in his pants. Lucas was hospitalized by the toxic blast and remains in stable condition. Luckily, Carrie Fisher seems to be immune by Lazarus


Hon: IT'S GO TIME!!!

Leia: Is there a draft in here?

Luke: whispering to himself I can see Leia's bum laughs by Garou


Luke:HEHEHEHEHE...I gotta big dong. by Ghost (this had to be in here for it has absolutly no relation to the pic :P )

other entries:

1)"Lukes going to stick that blaster WHERE?"

2) "What do you mean I get frozen in carbonite!!!"

3)Lucas gets caught slapping Leia's butt

4)"George I want two big cinnamon buns covering Fisher's ears, got it!"

by Lazarus

Little did the Rebels know that the Imperials had a backup plan to the

Death Star: the Monochrome Device. by Maradis Jenkar

  1. And you thought wookies could yell.

by DJK Ghost

that's all for now from me!

[XX#%%%O%%%#XX]< {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

SBM Gord Darkonian (Sith)/PCON/Satal Keto,


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