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<table class="table" border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="96%"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: (Last week's) Ebon Cloak Report, 12 June 2002
Type: Tetrarch Report
Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Update by: **[J'Lek Arcanos](mailto:JLek_hadcsp@hotmail.com)
</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">
<p class="report">"Greetings, Tyros of the Ebon Cloak,"</p>
<p class="report">"It seems that I let my report slip by this last week. I plan on not making the same mistake tomorrow (when _this_ week's phyle report should go out). This past week found me putting a great deal of effort preparing the upcoming Journal Run-on that I've been hinting at for the last few weeks, and that and some RL stuff kept me from getting things out."</p>
<p class="report">"First, however, I would like to make an announcement. One of my contributions to our House during my time as Quaestor was the active practice of having each Tetrarch name a Tyro that would serve as acting Tetrarch should the real Tetrarch become unavailable. As time went on, these positions, while unofficial, evolved into a second-in-command role in each phyle. My student, Novice Tirna Q'jira, has been working closely with me to create the training programs and other activities of the phyle, and I feel that it is only right that I now formally designate Tirna as our phyle's Executive Officer."</p>
<p class="report">"My friends and colleagues, Novice Q'jira has thrown herself into her duties, and it is with pride that I announce that our phyle now as a proper message board and website. Both are in a beta stage at the moment, but I think many of you would agree that if these are in a beta stage, the finished product will likely be outstanding."</p>
<p class="report">"My Tyros, I wish that I could award Novice Q'jira a Dark Cross for her work. She has worked very hard to adjust the look and feel of the message board so that it would match our new website. She has created the text graphics that you will see from scratch, and she has told me that all of this was done on a rather poor excuse for a working monitor. Yet, the Chancellor would not let me award a Dark Cross...because the Chancellor felt that a Star of Eos would be more appropriate. Congratulations, Tirna. I don't think I've ever heard of a Chancellor upgrading a medal request to a higher medal."</p>
<p class="report">"Now, those of you who go look at the phyle's message board will possibly see the Journal Run-on. Tirna and I are attempting to bring the story forward to the current date, but this takes some time. I will send out an e-mail when the run-on is ready for participation. Please refrain from posting until I give the word."</p>
<p class="report">"Here's your orders:"</p>
<p align="center"></p>
<p class="report">Current Orders:</p>
<p class="report">Participate in the Visions of the Future competition.</p>
<p class="report">Completion of the following orders will count towards your eligibility for promotion.</p>
<p class="report">Novices and up: Complete the Krath Basic Studies course and submit your History to the Brotherhood Database</p>
<p class="report">Acolytes and up: Complete any other Krath course of your choice. Get a Master if you don't already have one and have them contact me</p>
<p class="report">Protectors and up: Create a profile for the HAD website. Consult the House website for examples. CC it to J'Lek and Tirna.</p>
<p align="center"></p>
<p class="report">"We'll see if I can get another report out at the proper time tomorrow."</p>
<p class="report">DA [J'Lek Arcanos](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=61) (Krath)/Tetrarch/[House Acclivis Draco](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=28) of [Clan Scholae Palatinae](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=10)
</td> </tr> </table>
<p align="center"><table class="table" border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="96%"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Ebon Cloak Website now open to the public!
Type: Dark Hand Report
Date: Saturday, June 8, 2002
Update by: **[Tirna Q'jira](mailto:Tirna_Qjira@yahoo.com)
</td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">
<p class="report">While Ebon Cloak Phyle's website is only in beta stage, and will continue to remain under construction, it is now open to the public for viewing, perusing, and otherwise being generally nosy. ;)</p>
<p class="report">For all Ebon Cloak members, please be sure to keep an eye on the current competitions. It is vitally important that you keep up to date with the latest happenings if at all possible due to new standards that are being moved into place. And also, please do not hesitate to suggest a competition! Our Tetrarch values your input!</p>
<p class="report">For those of you who are curious this spot will be used for website updates, Phyle updates, and general Dark Brotherhood updates that, either directly or indirectly, affect our Phyle.</p>
<p class="report">More updates to come as the site--and our Phyle--progresses, so check back often! This is your Executive Officer signing off! May the Force be with you all!</p>
<p class="report">NOV [Tirna Q'jira](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=1839) (Krath)/TYR/[Acclivis Draco](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=28) of [Scholae Palatinae](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=10)
Executive Officer of Ebon Cloak Phyle</p>
</td> </tr> </table></p>
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