Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Sorry this is late. Well I have installed a new FTP client program and it's freeware. If you want a copy tell me and I will email it you.

Sukuth has won the first game of the Cestus JK2 comp, congrats to Sukuth!

I dont want to be a pain but if Gelton and Zekk could do their fight quite soon...

Remember tomorow is the last day for submissions for the banner comp. I got yours Sukuth. To Zekk and Zig, remember draw a couple of stick figures and write Armoured Fist on it in paint if you have too. I am looking for high participation!

Sorry this report is a bit breif.

GRD Talon Zetar (Obelisk)/SGT/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG: INI]


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