Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Well, I'm just getting settled in here. I have already sent out a mail though I didn't get much response in yet. Looks like we've got to do some really good changes. Anyways. I'd like to

have a list from everybody of you concerning your online games. I want to know what games you own, which ones you can play from those you own and your personal favorite. Every

HDS member has until next monday to report in. If you don't do, you'll be considered AWOL and transferred to the Reserves.

As you might know, we're currently at eight members. Since that's not really a high number, we need recruitment. Since everybody knows how to do that or when to do (and especially

when NOT), I'll skip this point.

Also, I'm planning to host training sessions for JK2. Those would be regularily once a month later - but now I guess it'll be good if it's unregularily at least once a week. Since I don't know

how many people are able to play JK2, I'll wait to set schedule for your incoming mails. I want to have such a training session for JK1, too. Unfortunaltey, I'm busy with JK2 so I want

some volunteer who can make them. I know that there are at least two people who have JK1 so it seems like a good idea.

Another thing is that we lost the Banshee Sergeant and the Rollmaster. If you think you have what it takes, apply to Obsidian and me. Don't need to be formal.

And for the end, I'll go with what everybody does when he/she's appointed as the new Quaestor: Changing the house motto. Everybody submit your entries until next week. Best will get

shiney Dark Cross (DC) flying his way.


(I don't know if Obsidian has become aware of his new position or rank yet so I guess we have to wait for the first report until next week)


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OBL Michael Halcyon (Obelisk)/QUA/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae [GMRG:INI],


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