House Caliburnus Quaestor Report
House news
Well DJK Gidda was the First person ever to be awarded the Medal of Tactics w/ Red Hammer (RH)
Which is Fantastic
The house has a wide array of skills and i am glad to see that we are using them to good effect
This last week has seen the house numbers Fall from 27 to 26 due to and order change
But i am most impressed with the ammount of pilot files i am recieving
I am also very very pleased at the Battle Team reports that came out this week
Great Job demos and Dolza
The House outline for promotions and the First 3 HC courses are also avalable to take online
The URL for the Site is Further down
Medal of Tactics w/ Red Hammer (RH) DJK Gidda
Dark Cross (DC) GRD Falcon
Crescent w/ Amethyst Star (PRT Nikana)
House Caliburnus competition
Free XWA 2 and Free XVT 44
Fly them and send to QUA Darkmage and RM Reese
The winners of the above competition will be Announced 24 of June
, A run-on, sponsored by the CHAN Office, is now on the Message Board! is the location, so get to posting! Awards will be given for the best and funniest posts, and to the people who post the most! So go post. Now. :P
Final thoughts of the Questor
Well the house Training programe is not that Far away on the courses that are so far completed are ready to be Taken
So anyone wishing to take the new house courses please go to
The System we are using fpr promotions is now on the site so please Feel Free to read it
The new Master Student programe is also getting to the final stages of completion so look out for this
I myself have taken my first Student this week in GRD BobXavi
I hope all the Members of HC of the rank of Dark Jedi knight or above will take at least 1 student
The AED of the house is still working on the new House Site but i will be kick Ass i have seen quite a few of the
Pages now and it looks Fantastic
Keep sending those pilot Files in and start looking towards that next promotion
SW Darkmage
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