Dark Greetings Tarentum,
Sorry for the delay in this, I obviously returned from leave this last week, though now I have company over for another ten days so it's a little hard making time, but here I am anyway. ;)
There are many things going on in Tarentum. Tridens is running several competitions, and the Aedile of Gladius is starting to run weekly competitions, and Cestus members seem to get medals every day for their participation in competitions around the Brotherhood. And to add more to the mix, I decided to run a little competition for the Clan, as well. :)
This competition is on a very broad topic so I expect a wide range of creativity in any entries I recieve. The topic is just. . Tarentum. That's it. What I want you to do is - anything at all that deals with Tarentum in anyway. You could do something with Tarentum's history, Castle Tarentum, perhaps how Tarentum differs from other Clans, your personal views on it, how your character came to join, whatever you like. This is so people don't have to make up the excuse that they just couldn't work with the topic. This is broad and could include any number of things, it's up to the individual member how they would like to approach it. The field is - anything at all. You can write stories, poems, you could create a mission or battle for people to play, you could write a song, make graphics, or whatever you're inspired to make.
The way the competition will be run is that members (this means QUAs/AEDs too) will submit as many different things as they like. For example, you may write a story and create a mission, and write two poems. You don't have to stick to just one thing. I'll keep track of who sent in what, and each entry will be given a number of points depending on the type of entry, length, quality, etc. I will immediatly respond to entries with the number of points recieved for that entry. Should you submit another two days later, I will give points for that as well and add them to the first, and so on and so forth. At the end of the competition, the person with the highest number of points will obviously be named champion and on down the line. I won't start this competition yet as I still have to go through the annoying DGM's office to get it approved, ahem -- but when it starts I will run it about a month, maybe a month and a half to give people time to rack up the points. ;) Expect another mailing shortly that will explain the specific dates and details of medals after I get the competition approved.
Welcome to another fabulous edition of the House report, again by your ever mysterious, sometimes present Quaestor! This edition of the House address is being sponsored in part by Death Star ointment. Got an itching sensation that is as pesky as a rebel alliance? Try Death Star ointment. Guaranteed to stop the itching, almost as if you had blasted it away with an axial superlaser.
Now, enough of the craziness, onto the report! Or, is that just the beginning of the insanity? Hmmm, I'll have to ponder that while I report. Or we report. No, I report. Sometimes the voices in my head make me think they're real. But they're not. I'm only a figment of their imagination.
Guess what? Gladius is up to 18 members! Outstanding! I'd like to welcome some recent recruits/returns, which I may have failed ot mention, and I do apologize for such a failure. Recent recruits are PRT Shadowfire, as well as JH Jaya Cypher! Welcome! SOme of you may remember Shadowfire, who was once a member of our Sith House of Tarentum, Tridens. And I'm sure many of you will remember Jaya, formerly known as the Mystics comic relief. She's recently returned to Gladius! Outstanding! I'm glad to have both of you within our House, and I'm sure you'll fit in excellently with the rest of us.
Emails. I want to stress this topic for a moment. I've noticed some emails from a couple individuals sometimes are not addressed to the right people. If you're receiving this email, you're listed as a memeber of Gladius, which we're all pleased you are. Everyone else receiving this is also a member. Make sure your emails are addressed correctly, so that everyone in the House receives it if you intend them to. We wouldn't want anyone to be mistakenly left out, now would we? The most recent email list is as follows:
-edit: Hard to read.-
I hope everyone can read that. It looks even a little wierd on my screen. If you can't read that, I apologize. You can always find current members/emails on our House's page of the DB site at: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/viewunit.asp?ID=16
More recent news. You ever secretive Quaestor is going to Las Vegas this Sunday, to return next Friday. Yay for me! Hades, you'll be in charge while I'm gone. Anyone with questions, problems, or otherwise needing to talk with a House summit member should direct their questions to him, if the need is urgent, or, if you email me, I'll be most happy to deal with them upon my return next Friday.
We have a House competition going on, which lasts until the end of June. Everyone shoudl know about this, with the possible exceptions of Shadowfire and Jaya. Jaya, since you just transferred back today, I'm sure you haven't heard yet, but Shadowfire, I truly hope I have not been too lax in my duties, and have made you aware of this already. If not, email me before Sunday, if you can, we can work something out. I'm always willing to be flexible when it is my err, or when there is a great need. The topic for this month is "Mutiny." The basis of the plot goes like this: There is a mutiny within the House, focussed on overthrowing me. Whether it is the whole House against myself, split factions, or one member against the rest of the House defending me, it matters little, as does the outcome. Choose my fate as you like. Submissions can be either stories, of at least 3 pages, size 12 font or smaller, or poems, size 12 font, at least a page in length. Again, these are due by the end of June. Jaya, if you'd like to write something, and need an extension, let me know. I'm willing to work with you, since you're newly transferred. Shadowfire, if I failed to make these known to you, I'll work with you as well. Everyone else, I'm looking forward to some good reading.
The DB Vendetta, the Great Jedi War, is still being worked out, is tentatively scheduled around August, if all the testing and preparation can be completed by then. I look forward to this event. I hope you all do as well. Let's put a great showing for Gladius, and see if we can't show everyone that Gladius has always been, and always will be a force to be reckoned with. I know of the skill of most of you, and can honestly say, I am glad I am numbered among you, and not against you. Let us prepare for this Vendetta, and win.
Also, I'm currently planning a Clan comp, which is tentatively set for around August. It depends on the GJW. It will be postponed if the GJW is completed and starts, but I'm hoping to fire it off and have the time to run it completely before the Vendetta starts. More info on the Clan comp as it comes closer to fruition.
Here's something else Gladius. Anyone who has too much time on your hands, get in touch with me. I've got a few other ideas that are currently in planning that I've not yet spoken of, and if you feel like you have too much free time, and want to help plan these things, let me know. Anyone truly willing to devote time and energy to planning events and other such things as I can devise, you will be most welcome. It will get things done faster (Hades and I only have four hands collectively), and you might be surprised what you might gain from such assistance. You might just learn what it takes to be a leader, you might just get noticed for certain qualities... hey, you never know.
And that is quite it, for now, I believe. Again, I'll be around until Sunday morning, so if anyone needs me, tonight and tomorrow is the best chance for the next week. Stay in touch with each other. Feel like ranting? Send an email to Gladius. You can never talk too much amongst your House. Communication helps breed brotherhood and activity. Let's all remember we're all friends and allies. We're not just a House, we're a united force for evil and destruction in this galaxy. >;)
In Servitude,
KAP Sith Bloodfyre (Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum, (SE-QL)/DC-KC-O/(BN)/CoL {SA: CORE-CH-O:KS}
Dark Greetings all,
Okay another week has passed us in House Cestus and it dissapoints me to say that ACO Nelson has decided to go rogue, but lets not let this dishearten us and lets go out there and recruit some new members, I am aware that most of you are doing this already.
Its good to see that you are still all active, many of you have been playing a lot of JK and have been active on mail and IRC, keep up the good work gents.
Those of you who are less active come and join the fun we are having most nights on IRC.
The roster currently stands at 10 members.
OW Ziguarath - QUA
DJK Darkov
DJK Gelton Torr - AED
GRD Glorfindel - SGT Battalion of Fear
JH Blackhero
PRT Talon Zetar - SGT Armoured Fist
PRT Zekk
ACO Daryan
ACO Sukuth
NOV Sauron
a.. SGT Talon Zetars Banner competition ends today hopefully he has had some good entries.
b.. SGT Talon Zetars JK2 comp is currently running I myself have been participating, so get your matches played if you havent done already.
c.. #EHCOC runs competitions most nights join the channel and type !complist for a list of the comps and timings
d.. The OHCs tourney is held every Saturday at 3:00pm EST and we always have a good turnout there
Only two medals reported to me this week
Congrats to Sukuth on his collection of Clusters of Fires
I also know he is waiting for others to be awarded.
No promotions this week.
But I have now decided with the help of my Aedile who the new rollmaster will be PRT Sukuth will now take over the position so send your activity reports to him.
You need to report to the rollmaster every wednesday telling him what you have been doing for activity.
Thats it from this week keep up the good work guys and most of all have fun
OW Ziguarath(Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum[GMRG:INI] [KSOE:CC2] GC/(SC)/(BN)/Cr-1R-1D/CF
Yes last week's report was my first as QUA...I was still thinking as an AED
Ok onto the news. This week has been exciting with several members of House
Tridens being rewarded for their efforts to improve things around.
JH Vortoq - DJK Vortoq
ACO VinDoros - PRT VinDoros
PRT Thorn - GRD Thorn
RM/JH John Clark - AED/DJK John Clark
PRT VinDoros - Crescent w/ Sapphire Star for 1st place in the AED May Comp.
JH Murkrow Defender - Crescent w/ Emerald Star for 2nd place in the AED May
GRD Ace Hobbes - Crescent w/ Topaz Star for 3rd place in the AED May Comp.
SBM Pel - Steel Cross in recognisation for his service to House Tridens.
DJK Destroyer - From Rogue to House Tridens.
NOV Linoge - From Rogue to House Tridens.
I would like to thank GRD Ace Hobbes for his efforts in recruiting to NOV
Linoge who just joined us today.
Current Comps:
Cestus - PRT Talon Zetar is holding a JK2 Comp. Anyone interested, email
QUA Ziguarath ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).
Tridens - Sub-Zero BattleTeam goes head-to-head with 3 other BattleTeams:
Diamond BattleTeam from House Ludo Kressh of Clan Naga Sadow.
Delphian BattleTeam from House Galthain of Clan Satal Keto.
Shadowmorph BattleTeam from House Archanis of Clan Taldryan.
All members of Sub-Zero keep an eye for details and if anyone wishes to join
Sub-Zero, let me know.
DJP Kumba is currently registering #Tarentum in Undernet, but because of
it's annonying policies, he requires 4 more people who not only can sign
into mIRC, but are also capable of messaging X to confirm they support the
channel. If anyone can do so, email DJP Kumba ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).
Anyone interested in doing a Course at the Shadow Academy, the Krath Course
is currently avaliable and SBM Pel has already completed it. Congrats!!
The Tridens Egroup has been quiet for some time and I was wondering if
anyone wished to revive it. If so, email me.
We still have the Run-On happening and I am happy to see the number of
postings. A bit disappointed by the fact that these 3 guys are the only
ones listed:
Vortoq, Murkrow, VinDoros.....oh Torres and Sith Bloodfyre (but we're QUAs
While I am happy with these 3 doing their part and more, it wouldnt hurt to
see some of the rest of you doing something. At the moment, the awards are
looking easy.
QUA's Monthly Order:
For everyone and that means from AED down!
Any and all DB Battles you have completed, send me the scores if they have
been verified by the TC. If not, send it to me in a WinZip-acceptable file.
QUA's Comp:
Write a bio on yourself in the DB. Use your imagination, but try and basis
it in the Star Wars universe.
SW Torres (Sith)/QUA/Tridens of Tarentum,
"Buckle your seatbelt, Dorothy, cause Kansas is going bye bye."
Darkness guide,
··· ···
C.i.a.r.a M.a.y.a T.e.a.r.n.a.n R.o.t.h.w.e.l.l
KAP Ciara Tearnan (Krath)/M:KHP/CON/Tarentum,
.."Under the tongue root a fight most dread, and another raging, behind, in the head"..</bow>
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