House Caliburnus Quaestor Report
The Week has been a good one we lost 3 members to Inactivity but we gained 2 who both appear to be active from the outset
I am pleased with the ammount of pilots taking courses and Partaking in the Master student programe
This is good to see and soon i hope to have many more DJKs in the house
I have heard on the Grapevine that we may soon get our hands on CSK :D
Viva HC.
Ok i have not been in House caliburnus the longest but some of you have been around a while
HC once had 3 battle Teams instead of 2
If you know what the third team was called please email me and let me know .
23/06 Dark Jedi Knight Gidda (A) (twice)
23/06 Guardian Kane Reese (S)
23/06 Guardian Holu Tatsumi (S)
23/06 Jedi Hunter Dolza (E)
23/06 Guardian Dark Angel (E)
House Competition
Free XWA 20 and Free XVT 90
Fly them and send to QUA Darkmage and RM Reese
The winners of the above competition will be Announced 18 of July
1st place : Amethyst Star
2nd place: Sapphire Star
3rd place: Emerald Star I
Final thoughts of the Quaestor
Many of you have put in fine performances this last week and thos of you with masters , from what i hear you are all doing great.
MY own student has completed the last part of his training and i hope will progress soon
TO raise in rank is easy and feel free to look at the requirements and poke one of the summit members if you have fullfilled these elements
Keep up the Great work
SBM QUA Darkmage
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