well, the feud is now on, its us vs. Kirleta, so, they said i was stalling this comp, which i wasnt, and it pissed me off cuz they accused me of this, so.. lets really kick some major ass... website for it is http://www.emperorshammer.net/dgm/compdetails.asp?ID=1721 when you play a game mail the scores, including a SS if possible to both me and Azazel, and if there is no SS, tell your opponent to also mail both of us approving the scores... lets seriously, rape them, to hell... ogogogogog =P they said they would be looking for games in #obelisk , #db, and #csk, but im thinking about getting a chan just dedicated to this feud, matter of fact when this email is sent ill email Az and ask him abotu that, well thats about it for activities, seriously lets rape these guys all the way till july 20th..
no joins or parts..
Vradin was promoted from NOV to ACO, hes also our new house rollmaster so congrats to him..
for the past like 3 weeks, there have been HELLA medals, good job guys.. we'll start with....
Mordin got 2 Cluster of Fires...
Phantom also got a Cluster of Fire..
Vradin got a cluster of fire also..
Jivey got a Cresent with Sapphire Star..
Shadow recieved 4 Cluster of Fires and a cresent with Ruby star, w00t to all ma hoes =P
Dinaari - http://www.dinaari.org/
Dark Fire Brigade - http://www.dinaari.org/darkfire/
Dark Infantry Elite - Under Construction
ive basically decided after all these comps are over, that ill just do the Brigade Wars thing by hand becuz i dont get PHP =P
the numbers beside your names tells how many strikes you get, once someone gets to 5, you are AWOLed, and will have
to rejoin if you want in. so check in with me on IRC or email me or something everyweek..
Dinaari Roster Currently at 24.
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