Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Hey! You there!

Well, it looks like we're on some kind of surge of success. :P

Cru, Cooch and Karishma (a.k.a. Cymbre) have already played JK1 and I'm very satisfied with that. I have made Crusader the new Drill Instructor of the HDS' JK1 Training Circle (working

title). We'll have two of these circles: One for JK1 and one for JK2. The idea is that an experienced player teaches the inexperienced some techniques and, mostly, organizes weekly to

monthly training sessions.

I already told Cru that I want weekly (best would be daily) JK1 training sessions and he agreed. That means that you three will be now training together (over the zone since that's the

only way Cymbre can play) at least every week. I want a screenshot from every game and will be rehearing Crusader about advances. We need to get into shape for the upcoming feud. I

can't stress this enough.

Yes, the upcoming feud. Well, it will be the very first HDS will be entering with me as Quaestor and I'm sure you'll make me proud. :)

We will make this house a force with which to be reckoned with. People will tremble in fear when they hear the name "Dorimad Sol" and every SA graduate will be first looking into our

roster. And you will be proud that you are part of the best Obelisk house this Brotherhood has to offer!

On another topic you might noticed that I have changed the layout of the report a bit - mainly adding stuff. The usual JK2 pic is not gone (I still have loads of 'em) and can be found a bit

down (that's so you slackers actually go reading through my report instead of just lauhging at the pic and then turning away!), right before the Trainings Section.

Although you might not know, HDS does utilize the same training system as does HAD and HC - the master/student system. Obsidian and me are mentors available and anybody else, be

he/she mentor or student, who wants to be added there, simply mail me.

Remember that there are four items currently on:

 Banshee Sgt. - it's open for grabs and I'm ready to throw it at anybody who just raises a hand.   

 Rollmaster - same as above - though I expect at least a bit of activity   

 House Motto - The current one is "The monkeys are listening..." since it's not a very intriguing one, I expect you guys to come up with something better. A DC is up for grabs   

 Get promoted! You think you are good in JK2? You are below JH? Then challenge your Quaestor to a game! If you beat him, you will get promoted!   


Hello Dorimad Sol.  Jedi Shaft here.  Sorry I've been on leave and haven't been able to add my piece for a while but here I am.  I hope you guys are ready   

to start kicking some ass, because we're starting a house training system that we jacked erm... "adapted" from House Caliburnus our Sith friends. I've been

busting my balls today making a new Dorimad Sol website and in it I have copy and pasted caugh writen the basic outline for our new Training system. I've

also gotten a domain on minos.net but am having technical difficulties with it which I will ascertain how to fix on a later date when I don't have a spanish 102

test that I was suppose to be studying for.

I gather at somepoint there will be a Rollmaster and a Battleteam commander but that will most likey come at a way later date when we have recruitment   

up. IF you want to be considered for these possitions I suggest you start showing some activity because if there aren't qualified people we as the summit are

happy to be running the Brigade ourslef :-) Here are several ways to show activity: Participate in Sharad's Saturday compeitions, participate in the Sunday

Special Tourney ran by Mag. Start the training program by pairing up with Mike or me. Do some skinning and mapping :-) Or write a fiction. There are

plenty of things to be done.

If you have any questions or concerns or just wanna chat and be kewl feel free to talk to me.  The point of my being here is to make this experiance a fun   

one for you. Lest to bust the "man down" from keeping us black jedi from our proper place of recodnition. Perpatrate the system of the man to keep a brotha

down! erm a Sorry wrong speach. Anyways while I didn't land on the Death Star It landed on me. ( and that hurt) I'm going to leave this report pretty much

open from here. I know there's been some activity from some of you and we're in the process of recruiting. I'd like to see our numbers double in the next

couple weeks. With that... peace out.

DJK Obsidian



Available Mentors:

 Battlelord Michael Halcyon   

 Dark Jedi Knight Obsidian   

Available Students:


JK2 Training Circle:

 Battlelord Michael Halcyon, Drill Instructor   

      Dark Jedi Knight Obsidian   

JK1 Training Circle:

 Battlemaster Crusader, Drill Instructor   

      Guardian Cooch   

      Protector Karishma Mathai   



Battlelord Michael Halcyon

°([///[[/[*]/]]///[[#/ ( )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

OBL Michael Halcyon (Obelisk)/QUA/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae [GMRG:CRU-S],


FA(ret.), IC/GOE/SS/ISMx4/MoIx2/MoC/IS-1SR/LoAx7/OV-5E [IWATS-ASP-M/1/2-PHP/1/2-SM/1],</bow>

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