Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

As some of you already know, at the end of the month I'll be moving to Rogue for many reasons but mainly cuz I'm moving with my wife to a new appartment and because Italy is a crap 'o place, we won't even have a phone or internet line till october and I can not accept to be onleave that much and be a useless weight for the house. For that reason I'll be resigning from my position of QUA at the end of the month and I'll move to rogue till I'll have internet back. I also HIGHLY recommend Khaland for my replacment as QUA ( I'm talking to ya Tron and Frey ). Meanwhile I'll be still your QUA for a couple of weeks so get ready for some action heh..

I'd like also to express how much I'm disappointed about the current status of the House. With the only exception of Sephiroth, Leeson and Rocco the House is a dead place and that's unacceptable. I have gived in those weeks activities for even you guys with internet problems that can't play online but no one bothered take advantage of that to be active. I haven't recived also a single application for sergent of our brigate in 2 weeks... Come on guys I can not belive you don't have the will or the strength to help our House taking a responsability job like SGT. You have 3 more days to apply or I'll have to take someone outside the house, something I regret to do but I will is I must.

Meanwhile let's move with the news:

DB News:

1) The GMRG has closed his doors to new application so now more folks could join us in our mission to protect the GM.

2) That's not really a DB related but I'll post it anyway.. Mairin got a Class I grade at Oxford the other day and I think that's deserve a mention =)

Clan News:

1) Tron's still having internet problem and he's still onleave with Frey as ruling dude ( ANARCHYYYYYY!!!!!!!! =P)

House News:

1) As I said above I'll be moving to rogue at the end of the month. I have to be forced to do so after only 4 months of Quaestorship but I simply have no choice...

2) I'll close the application for SGT on sunday so you'd better hurry up and apply if ya won't to see me royally pissed !


I'm thinking at a new monthly comp so stay tunned for more.

Screenshots Contest:

Status - Approved Start Date - 1/5/2002

End Date - 12/31/2002

Parties Involved Battles/Missions Used

All members of House Auctoritas JK and JK2.

Miscellaneous Details Competition URL

The members have to submit to me and to the AED the screenshots of their matches. On a bi-weekly basis the persons that submit me the higher number of screenshots will recive Crescent. The minimum number of screenshots that must be submitted to have a valid entry is 7. none

Contact Name Contact Email

Khan, Exar Khanland [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Other Information

First place for each platform is awarded a Crescent Amethyst Star (Cr-1A)


Seph is going to get a shiny crescent for winning this round of the bi-weekly sscontest.


None for now.

Warrior Ace

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Warrior Exar Khaland

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Performing his AED craps.

Warrior Jacob Van Nowak

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Onleave till July 30th.

Warrior Mell

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Guardian Bevel Leeson

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Nothing this week..strange enough..

Guardian Sephiroth

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As usual, playing many matches.

Protector Ramos

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Promised me he'll be active asap.

Protector Vally

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Acolyte Krowa

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Acolyte Rocco

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Onleave till July 2nd.


Rank Name Email

Warrior Ace [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Warrior Exar Khaland [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Warrior Jacob Van Nowak [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Warrior Khan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Warrior Mell [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Guardian Bevel Leeson [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Guardian Sephirith [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Protector Ramos [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Protector Vally [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Acolyte Krowa [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Acolyte Rocco [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


OW Khan (Obelisk)/QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak





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