Aedile Report


Aedile Report

-> # AED Report <-

1)well we'll get to the big thing first the winner for the June house comp is Reza way to go!! with 42 screens shots submitted. now i know the top prize was to be a War Cross but since it no longer exists i will have to award a crescent for this. medals have been awarded for the top 3 finishers which are in order Reza, Page, & Zev congrats all

2) remember to hit the Kirleta site Kirleta News and the message board Clan Boards and don't forget our Main home

3) OK now for the rough part of this report Sargent s I am giving you a week to get competition going between your brigades, you guys have had most of June to hammer out the details & I'm sure the DGM & OHW have noticed that. Now guys I understand the DGM site can be a bit slow at times responding but I want the plans on my desk by next Saturday. Just make sure you submit it to the DGM Site so you can award medals.

4)The Dinaari have finally acknowledge a feud so if you will put a "K" on your nick so they can find you they are suppose to put a "D" on theirs but if all else fails go to their roster and hunt them down.

5)Now the July Comp. Is up & running I realize this takes a while to complete but I'm hoping to get many submissions.

<marquee># GO Kick Some Butt!!!! </marquee>

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