I hope everyone had a good 4th of July, non-Americans included. And congrats to Mai and Oldie on their achievements :)
Work on changes to Phase I is nearing completion, and work has started on new courses.
The database is still not sending out confirmation emails, so please check your dossier BEFORE sending me an email asking whether or not you passed. Hopefully, the problem will be fixed soon. Most people pass training without a hitch, so assume you passed your training unless you get an email from me personally (which is the "You Failed!" email).
A note on character histories: you need to put more than your name and gender on your history if you want it to be approved. I don't mind one or two fields left blank, but any more and there better be a reason (i.e. can't answer "Signigicant adult events" cause your character is only 13).
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