Consul Report


Consul Report

Dark Greetings Tarentum,

The main news is obviously the beginning of the Clan Feud between Tarentum, Clan Naga Sadow, and Arcona. Before I give any details I'd like to mention that I have the fullest confidence in all our houses. Cestus is, or is very nearly the most active Obelisk house in the Brotherhood, Gladius is running well and has many many talented writers who could easily place in every event if they wanted to, and Tridens seems to be ready to take some other Sith on. So there is no reason every member shouldn't do their absolute best. >:)

The url of the feud can be found here. This is where you'll find all the events, judges, rules and everything you'd like to know about the competition. Also, Proton has posted nearly everything the site has on the Tarentum MBs as well. I want to stress participation -- but also quality. The participation could earn us alot of points, but its scored by percent. So we need the majority of the members in each house to participate to earn the most points. But other than the points earned for that, you have to place. Which means you should really strive to do your absolute best on anything you submit. Members who participate in every event available to them according to their order, as well as the open events will also be awarded.

Also, one of the open events is an RPG. I have spoken with a few people about it -- though there is a chance I could choose someone else should these not be able to show up. So anyone interested and thinks they'd be able to show up after 9pm EST to do most of the RPs, contact me as soon as possible. If you don't contact me by late this afternoon but are still interested show up at 10pm EST tonight, in channel #deception on irc. We can only choose two members from each clan, but those members will be chosen out of those who show up tonight.

Also, there is the internal Clan Competition still going on until July 20th. So far I've only had two participants out of Gladius, and one each from Tridens and Cestus. Granted, those few members have submitted many things, but still like to see more participation there. Though. . .I still have to stress the feud events a little more. ;)

And a little side note, as a recent report from the DGM showed, Tarentum houses have not had much in the way of competitions lately, or they just forget to use the form. Just a reminder to make sure and use that in every competition you run in your houses.

And with that. . . run and participate in the feud events. Members interested in the RP get with me, and show up at 10pm EST tonight in #deception. Tarentum is an excellent position to to take this feud, but we're going to have to work hard and fast for it. I have full confidence that will be done. :)


Dark Greetings all,

I apologise for my late report but as most of you now I split my head open

over the weekend so I have spent a bit of time in hospital, so I havent been

able to get online much over the weekend.

That aside we have quite a successful week here in Cestus, I would like to

thank everyone for the kind words on my promotion and I would like to thank

Consul Ciara Tearnan Proconsul Proton for giving me the opportunity to do

the job and being patient with me and I would also like to thank you all

without you guys none of this would have been possible.

Anyway onto the report.


Okay activity is still going strong which makes me extremely happy and we

are getting medals on a weekly basis which reminds me I need to order a new

medal cabinet for us as ours is full.

There are still lots of competitions to participate in so lets go out

there and get some more medals I know you wont let the house and Clan down

so keep up the good work.

Also we had some good news from the DGM and we were the Joint First active

Obelisk house now people realise what we are capable of and to have his

praise is good recognition of all our hard work.


The roster currently stands at 11 members and I know that new recruits are

in the pipeline.

OW Ziguarath - QUA

DJK Darkov

DJK Gelton Torr - AED

GRD Glorfindel - SGT Battalion of Fear

JH Blackhero

GRD Talon Zetar - SGT Armoured Fist

PRT Jusinian Leviticus Maximus

PRT Sukuth - RollMaster

PRT Zekk

ACO Daryan

NOV Sauron


Okay there are lots of competitions running at the moment in house one

clan comp and also the feud remember to participate as you have been doing

and we will reap the rewards but I will list them for you to remind you.

Talon Zetars JK2 comp has ended with PRT Sukuth as overall winner

congratulations to Suk and all those who took part.

1.. Clan Tarentum Competition the competition details are Tarentum as  

your subject and you decide what you submit for the competition so be

creative and go and get some points.

2.. Myself and Gelton Torr are hosting a house competition to design a  

picture for the website and a banner for the site so get creative.

3.. GRD Glorfindel is hosting a JK1 competition so dig out your copies  

of JK1 and play anyone in Cestus to score your points and dont forget to get

your screenshots to verify your wins.

4.. Sgt Talon Zetar is also holding a fiction competition so open up  

your word programmes and get some writing done it is based on the guidlines

Jedi Training.

5.. Clan Feud a clan feud has been started and I would like for us to  

win this one so go and check out the website for details at lets show the other houses we mean



One promotion this week I reached the dizzy heights of OBM thanks again to



Unfortunately I lost the list of medal winners for this week so I

apologise but congratulations to all recipients

Okay thats it from me for this week and look forward to another fun packed

week in House Cestus remember guys keep smiling and have fun

OBM Ziguarath(Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG:INI][KSOE:CC2]



Greetings Gladius!

Not a terrible ammount of news this week, but ill try to throw some fillers in there ;P

First off, ill be on a very short 3 day leave starting about 5 am Friday morning ( today ;P). Im going with my sister on a quick trip to Pensacola Fla (sp?) and wont be back till sunday evening.. Ya know whats really ironic? Oddly enough i have never seen the ocean, any of them, before about two weeks ago, then in a span of about 3 weeks, i get to see it twice. Weird eh? hehe Anyways, thats why the report is going out tonight :P Your welcome Ciara <g>

Second... HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!! To all us U.S. people.. Woooo!!

Alright, more news.. though this is taken off the DB page. Just some things I thought you guys would want/like to know.

  • June Monthly Topic*

Posted by KE Cuchulain - 7/2/2002 [8:09:30 AM]

Due to the amount of submissions for last month's two topics the results for both will be delayed until this weekend. Thank you for both your patience and your efforts in making the choice of winners so difficult! :)

Topics for July Competitions

Posted by DA Mairin Astoris - 7/1/2002 [4:41:22 AM]

The topics for this month are:


Title: Secrets of the Past

Format: .doc, .txt or .rtf

Email to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Due by: 11.59pm EST 31st July 2002


Title: Pursuit of Power

Genre: Monorhyme

Format: Any

Email to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

More information:

Due by: 11.59pm EST 31st July 2002

Results for June's topics will be out as soon as my Praetor sends them to me.

New Multiplayer Gaming Night

Posted by SWL Keirdagh Cantor - 6/30/2002 [1:00:50 AM]

Alright, this ones gunna be short and sweet, because I had made a nice long post before, but I timed out and lost it... stupid timeouts... whaps

Anyways, House Galthain is hosting a new Multiplayer Night. The rest of the DB Nights were cancelled due to lack of participation.

Now, because Shadow of Dinaari (everyone point and laugh), thought that DB Multiplayer Nights were the same things as the Tournaments that go on during the weekends, I'll clarify.

DB Multiplayer Nights: You join a channel, play as many people as you can at random times, etc.

DB Tournaments: Such things as Shar's Saturday Tourney, and Mage's Sunday Special, where you follow Brackets like in the world cup.

Clear enough for ya Shad?

Anyways, onto details of this comp...


Platforms: XWA, XvT, JK, JK2

Day: Friday

Time: 3-5 PM EST / 9-11 AM CET / 6-8 AM AEST

Run Time: Two hours

Place: #csk

Contact: SBM Enahropes ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Reminder on ranks

Posted by KE Troutrooper - 6/29/2002 [11:23:56 PM]

I've had a lot of questions on this recently, so hopefully this will answer them.

-To get APP: join the DB :)

-To get NOV: pass both Phase I and II of the Shadow Academy

-To get ACO: submit a character history and inform your house summit after I approve. I CANNOT promote you, I can only approve/deny your histories. Summits, make your members happy by promoting them to ACO.

Oh, and starting now, all exams MUST have your DB name on it at the very least. I will take off for not having an idline, but if you don't know your own DB name, that's bad. I've had some people submit exams with strange acronyms and codes for idlines that mean absolutely nothing. Those are going in the trash from now on.

Hmm thats about it on DB wide stuff.. the rest of the stuff is either not really that important.

Oh yes, Everyone id like for you to reply to that email CON/KAP Ciara sent about the Gladius RPing thing on AIM/AOL. I am sure Sith and I would love to hear your thoughts on that. I would also like to see exactly who wants to be active and who wants to just reply to AWOL checks every few weeks and thats it.. ( hint hint). Okay??

I dont know the results the House comp that Sith ran yet. He should have gotten back to you by now, but if not, dont worry. He's a busy guy and he will probably get them out whenever he can. :)

OOh yes, Phyle Reports! Cant forget those! ;)


Sorry this is a day late folks. I had an expensive dinner to attend and it lasted for way to long. There's a little bit of news to report so I'd better get on that.

Knight has returned to Gladius and to the Mystics. Aari has joined us and will be spreading her insanity around. Rage got a promo for being highly active on the EH and DB message boards and for all the great poems she has sent in! She's been registered on the MBs for almost a month and she has 1500+ posts!

We now have a new motto. It will be 'By the flames of darkness'. The four line one was a favorite but it was just too long. I'll be updating the site later this weekend.

There is a clan competition going on right now so make sure you are participating! You can find the details word for word on the news part of our website. Make sure you submit something for the house competition! I found it fun to write for.

I still need stories, poems, ect. for the website so I can fill up the archive. If you have no desire to have your work put up on the site please tell me. If you want to send some graphics in I'll be more than happy to take them.

That's it for this week.

KP Telona Murrage (Krath)/TET/Gladius of Tarentum

I think thats all for this week. Ill see you guys when i get back from Florida.. HOPEFULLY ill still have all my limbs attached when i do <g>


KP "Doc" Hades

blah blah blah.. ;)


A somewhat interesting week in Tridens with GRD Jason Hunter moving to House

Gladius and the awards for the Sub-Zero Ace Comp finally being handed out.

Also a new egroup for Tridens, called tridens7, was started and so far these

members have joined:

GRD Ace Hobbes


PRT Vonnegut

DJK Murkrow Defender

PRT VinDoros

DJP Kumba

That still leaves the bulk of the House to join up. Please do so as it will

be used for keeping you guys informed. As always, my reports will be sent

directly to your addresses.

Also PRT VinDoros was awarded a Cluster of Fire for his victory in the BG

Training Night. Congrats!

Two more members joined us this week, PRT Raganosh and ACO Corsair. Due to

Hunter' departure, I have filled the two opening places in Sub-Zero. So if

MD could contact these two pilots, located in Flight 3, it would be great.

Get them up to speed on things, MD.

Pilot files. I'm getting more and more as time goes by. While it does show

how active you are, I would love to see different stuff to come in. Right

now only PRT VinDoros and DJK Murkrow Defender have sent anything in for

their bio. Also when you send pilot files in, three things to check:

  1. make sure you send in the right file. I received a .dat file from

someone which is the wrong one.

  1. send them ziped! I will not accept any XvT or XWA pilot files

uncompressed. TIE files are fine.

  1. sign the email! All DB emails must have your rank and name or at the

very least your name.

Recruitment. Some of you have informed me that recruiting is going on and I

thank you for your efforts. I know that our seeming low level of activity

may frighten people off, but with your help, that will change.

DJK Murkow Defender has a pole on about lightsabers at:

I'm giving everyone one more week in which to send in their description of

Yridia, our home planet. Only one, MD, has sent something in. Help is

avaliable from me.

Due to technical problems, the message board is out of commission. However

I have been assured it will be up soon and I expect to see everyone in the

BattleTeam put atleast one submission. My thanks to VinDoros, Vortoq, QUA

Sith Bloodfyre and especially MD for for their parts. I have found the

story to be extremely interesting.

Sub-Zero BattleTeam Comp. SZ is currently flying these battles:

TIE DB Battle 8

XvT DB Battle 1

XWA DB Battle 1

Send everything to Vortoq, MD, AED Clark and myself. However if anyone

forgets, I'll make sure it reaches the right people.

Activity Reports. Well to be honest, I got more emails from Wing IV and I

dont fly with them anymore. I got probably 4 emails which should anyone was

around. If this was an AWOL sweep, Tridens would be shut down.

QUA's Comp. Everyone will do at least something or have one hell of a good

reason why not.

Free Missions:

TIE Free Mission #167 - I just Work Here

XvT Free Mission #8 - TIE Advanced Workout

BoP Free Mission #27 - Ambushed

XWA Free Mission #8 - Rescue the Phoenix

BattlePlan. Plan the assault on a pirate base.

Pirate Forces:

1 Base - 3 squadrons of Z-95 Headhunters - concussion missiles

6 Corvettes - 2 Z-95 Headhunters each - torpedoes

1 Star Galleon - retrofitted with 5 turbolasers.

Tridens Forces:

12 TIE Defenders - no missiles

1 Corvette

Motto for House Tridens.

Clan Comp. The topic is Tarentum so anything to do with Tarentum, Gladius,

Cestus and Tridens is good. Any help, email me.


Please check to see if anything is missing or incorrect.

Expect more emails concerning the future of Tridens as time goes by.

SW Torres (Sith)/QUA/Tridens of Tarentum,




"Buckle your seatbelt, Dorothy, cause Kansas is going bye bye."

Darkness guide,

··•· † ·•··

C.i.a.r.a M.a.y.a T.e.a.r.n.a.n R.o.t.h.w.e.l.l

KAP Ciara Tearnan (Krath)/M:KHP/CON/Tarentum,


  • Queenie Mystic -

..."Under the tongue root a fight most dread, and another raging, behind, in the head"..</bow></g></g>

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