Dark dudes and dudettes! (TM)
Yes, you read that right. Saitou and I have been giving you a few snippets of info about the timing of the Clan Feud and so here it is. It is on NOW! Yes, right now! What're you still doing here? Go and take part!!
Oh yeah. The link. All information can be found at http://cskcspfeud.minos.net/ At the minute all the open events are running and Krath Event 1 (K1) is up too. Basically, K1 is the story of the Sith and Obelisk first events. Krathies tell the story and then the Obbies and Sith will be expected to design levels based on these stories for their first event, so make them good.
The Clan Feud is now your priority. All members must participate or come up with a very good reason why not. Quaestors, Aediles and Battle Team Commanders - it is up to you to make sure all the members under your command are all aware that this comp is running, and make sure as many as possible get working on it.
Loads of medals and promos over the last week, and hopefully you will give us leaders to throw out a bunch more after the feud.
Go get 'em!!
That is all...
KE Cuchulain (Krath)/P:KHP-CON/Clan Scholae Palatinae
"We must use our powers to extinguish the light..."
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