Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Wow what a week! We got a Clan feud going on and this one is going to Tarentum all the way! I know a lot of people are participating in this, I even made a graphic with my 2 bit paint program standard with all Windows 98 OS. Yeah it's really blocky but I'll submit it for participation points! Ok on to news!

I'd like everyone to welcome Jason Hunter into the fold. :D He actually looked at the site and used it to join! I'm so happy!

Anything that is submitted to me that deals with the feud or the clan competition will not go up on the site until after the competitions are over and done. I won't even look at them to tell the truth. Thanks to those who have though, I've got them saved and just waiting.

Speaking of the feud, if my swiss cheese memory serves me right, it ends August 18th. Ciara correct me if I'm wrong. So we have until then to sweep away all the Krath events. Need the URL? Here it is....

Yeah it skips the first page but it takes you right to the main page where all the good stuff is.

The Clan competition will run until the 20th of this month so submit something to that. Details are up on the news section of our website as is details for the monthly competition and a link to the feud.

Ok I'm done boring you guys for now. Have a great week or should I say, weekend!

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