Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

<head><title>Dragon Guard Report #18</title></head>

Dragon Guard Report #18, July 11th 2002

Well alot of changes since I last reported and even I am confused:P


  • Cymbre is back! As her first suggestion, she suggested that I change the motto to, "Cym is so cool and an Empress - Worship her" I'll think about it...:P

  • "Hi Lance Syrden!" I don't think I have yet said that so I thought I better:P

  • as for everything else... still isn't sorted thanks to my email provider which deleted several messages for no apparent reason in the name of "virus protection"...

  • DG Yahoogroup is all updated:)


Dengar's IRC Art

Hey, anyone have art that they want to show can email it to me and I will put it in here:)

Not a lot of time to make anything really good this week...

Remember to check out the DG site at

 Dengar March <font size="5">

JH Dengar March (Krath)/TET/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae



   [Student of Saitou]


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