Dark Greetings,
Well this week has seen the start of the inter-clan Feud between Tarentum, Arcona and Naga Shadow. Sukuth and I have been participating with the JK2 and grapic events and I hope to see the rest of Armoured Fist following suit.
Remberer everyone get out there recruiting on IRC and JavaChat even in-game chat and yes Real Life! The more people we have in Cestus the better.
I have been noticing a slight lack of activity in my memebers recently, PRT Zekk has discussed with me why he is less than active and so I dont mean him. Remember if you are going awaym, or you can do anything for a while please tell me about it!
With the end of the JK2 comp (congrats to Sukuth for taking the top spot) there is only the fiction comp left. It is due on the 17th of this month and you can find details here: www.talon-zetar.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/comps.htm. I would like to see submissions from everyone in my battleteam. This also means however that after the 17th there will be no more competitons running. I wont start anymore until the Clan Feud is over but if you have any ideas or suggestions for a competition, send it in and I will consider running it after the Feud is over.
Well I think this has to be my longest BT Report ever!
In Darkness.....
GRD Talon Zetar (Obelisk)/SGT/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG: INI]
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