Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Well of course the main news of this week is that I am back from leave and once again raring to go

The house has been fairly active in my absence

I do however want to see more submissions for the house flying competition

The house AED is on semi leave due to some computer problems which i can whole Hartley sympathise with

As the day I returned on went on line forget to engage Norton and got the Trojan virus

My computer went berserk and as a result I had to reformat and reload

Some good points came out of it though my new geforce 4 graphic card now works properly so thats a plus

It just goes to show every black cloud really does have a silver lining

Well enough of the philosophy stuff lets see whets happening


Protector Jaron Kai (from Acolyte)

Jedi Hunter Dark Angel (from Protector)

Jedi Hunter Bobxavi (from Protector)

Protector Starpred (from Acolyte)

Acolyte Slawter Thren (from novice)

Jedi Hunter Bobxavi (DC)

Dark Jedi Knight Gidda (A)

Guardian Kane Reese (R)

Guardian Kane Reese (DC)

Congratulations to all on there advancements or awards


Novice Slawter Thren


Guardian Holu Tatsumi


Nightmare the new house battle team will soon be open

As soon as the new battle team leader DJK Gidda selects his Flight leaders

House caliburnus will have 3 battle teams once again

I would personaly like to thank everyone for the effort we have all put in

We are the greatest team in the Dark brotherhood today and are Reign is just begining

As MR T once said i pitty the fool who stands in our way


The house flying comp is the easiest way to earn medals know to dark Jedi at the moment

Free XWA 20 and Free XVT 90

Fly them and send to QUA Darkmage and RM Reese

The winners of the above competition will be Announced 18 of July

1st place : Amethyst Star

2nd place: Sapphire Star

3rd place: Emerald Star I


HOUSE TRAINING PROGRAMME : http://www14.brinkster.com/jpsdarkmage/db/Link%20Page.htm


Well my final words this week are not my own but of the Clan leader

Okay... so the Krathies are the only group with an Event running at the minute, but I want to see EVERY HC member listed on the Ladder, racking up points and winning medals. At the minute there are only a few HC members listed. So go get listed y'all! Follow the link below... that's an order! :P

Also listed below is the link to the run-on. Lets whup some CSK butt!

KE Cuchulain (Da damn Consul-dude!)

Clan Vs Clan Feud= http://cskcspfeud.minos.net/

Clan Vs Clan run-on= http://www.isdchallenge.org/csk/forum/display_topic_threads.asp?ForumID=2&TopicID=15&PagePosition=1'

I to would like to see all of caliburnus signed up and ready to go

Training is nice and little house competitions keep me occupied but there is nothing liking nailing another house to the wall to but a smile on your face

Lets show why we are ranked as a sith house and well there not


SBM Darkmage

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