Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report


It was three am. Everyone in HPG was asleep. Even Bob, he actucally wasnt drinking for once. All of a sudden, a door opened, and someone ran though the halls screaming the same thing over and over again.


News in Breif

Deception - Feud

New Member

Battleteam Competition

Weekly Order Competitions

Battleteam Request

AED Request

CrimsonAngels Request

People on Leave

Web Page

CNS Messageboard



In Closing

Deception - Feud

Here is a extract of Minister Fred the Seal interviewing CrimsonAngel about the feud.

Minister Fred - How does one go about aquiring a match for the Feud.

CrimsonAngel - Basically there are many ways such as email or messageboard. but the fast way is mirc. Basically go into the channels #arcona and #tarentum and ask people in there, because they are the channels for the other clans. Also in our own #naga_sadow channel you will see other people from the other clans idling so you can ask them as well

Minister Fred - Wow, how matches you lost so far CrimsonAngel

CrimsonAngel - 6 actucally, and im looking to make that higher!

*Actucally lost over 13 matches now!

Thats right, we have a feud. All the details can be located here:


I have already lost 13+ JK2 matches. Because I suck, I expect all you guys to start winning JK2 matches for the House.

Remember, when you participate in anything, make sure the results are CC'd to me as well please!

New Member

Please Welcome Zacfer to the Dark Element

Battleteam Competition

For those who remember, this is similar to the Monthly Flying Compeition mixed together with the Kings of Tomorrow Compeition

Basically, when you particpate in something, email me the results and I will allocate you points.

At the end of the month, the Trooper with the most points will win a Crescent with a Sapphire Star (Cr-1s).

For Example:

Include my email address ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) when you report your MP match results, when you are submitting grahpics / fiction and i will automatically award points.

Even if your participation is directed towards another compeition, if you still include me on the email, I will still award you points, as long as it fits the Participation Type (Yes, I realise that I spelt it wrong on the web site).

For example:

Valin got awarded 10 points for comming first in the Weapon of Choice Compeition.

Here is a list of the Points (Taken Directly out of the webpage):

Participation Type Points

Win a JK1/2 MP Battle, CTF or Duel 5

Draw a JK1/2 MP Battle, CTF or Duel 3

Lose a JK1/2 MP Battle, CTF or Duel 2

Create a JK1/2 Map, Skin or Mod 15

Create Fiction 2 per page

Complete a IWATS Course 5

First in a Competition 10

Second in a Compeition 6

Third in a Competition 4

Participation in a Compeition 2

Create Graphics SGT Decision

Create a Web Page SGT Decision

Other Participation SGT Decision

http://www24.brinkster.com/crimsonsapphire/element/ <-- Check out both the Points and Competition Page

Any questions etc, make sure to email me.

Weekly Order Competitions

Here is a list of Obby Comps that are avaiable at the moment:


Sputnik War

Location: #Alvaak

Time: 2PM - 4PM EST (-5 GMT)

Platforms: JK, JK2, XvT, XWA, Rebellion, SW:GB

Host: Frey


Archanis Training Night

Location: #Archanis

Time: 8PM - 10PM EST (-5 GMT)

Platforms: JK, JK2, XvT, XWA, SW:GB

Host: Darkfinn


Obelisk Tournament

Location: #obelisk

Time: 3:00PM EST (-5 GMT)

Platforms: JK, JK2

Host: Sharad, Hawk


Offensive Strike Training

Location: #csp

Time: 11:30AM - 3:30PM EST (-5 GMT)

Platforms: JK, JK2, XvT, XWA

Host: Demosthenes

Battleteam Request

Because with the growing numbers in this House, inactive members will not be tollarated in my Battleteam.

All you guys are expected to participate in some aspect of the feud, and notify me about it.

If you cant participate in the Feud, you must also notify me with the reason.

If you dont, you will be removed from the battleteam, and just return to being a normal house member

AED Request

You guys know if you havent or have forfilled the AED's request. Here is his email to remind you:

#2- I want some info from every single person in this house. It's going to be sent to me and me only. Not to the Egroups. I repeat


I wanna know a little bit about every single person in this house. What games ya own, your EH/DB History, If ya use IRC, if ya even know how to use IRC, what ur nick is? Do ya like JK1 or JK2? Do ya even own either? what settings ya like, what are your talents in webpage design, lol, whatever u feel fit to tell me, I dont care, just tell me as much about yourself as you feel is relevant, and please take this seriously, it's gonna give me the opportunity to meet and talk to some of you personally, and it's also going to double as an AWOL Check, meaning everybody who doesn't reply and at least tell me a little something about themselves is out of HPG.

Im gonna put a deadline of about two weeks or so on this, cuz it isn't that hard to do, so by July 1, I should be expecting an email in my box from each of you

Aight guys, as always im open to questions/comments/concerns or whatever, if u just wanna email me and say I suck ass as an AED, feel free, or if ya feel im doin a great job, lemme know, communication is going to be the key for this house to rock all future competitions, and im going to work on getting us an IRC Channel, PERMANENTLY so stay tuned to that

Aight guys, im out, be sure to write me an email, and ill be back with some more info and updates in a few days, if ya see me on IRC, be sure to say wassup

CrimsonAngels Request

When you participate in something, make sure im cc'd or else minister fred the seal will sit on you!

People on Leave

The following people are on leave

Valin - Unknown (2 - 3 Months)

Web Page

Gah, I tried to learn ASP, it didnt happen, so I just stuck to what I already knew and updated the web page


Check it out, if you have any suggestions, feel free to email me with your suggestion / comments / deaththreats etc

CNS Message Board Arrf

There is like 5 people out of CNS who are posting on the message board. Lets try and get more people posting!

http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=20 <-- Go Spam it ;) I COMMAND YOU!


Name : Dark Element

Motto: We have guns and pointy sticks and we're not afraid to use them!

Webpage: http://www24.brinkster.com/crimsonsapphire/element/

Commander: OBM CrimsonAngel

Mascot: Minister Fred the Seal

Members: 12/12

OB Trooper: Valin Darkfyre

OB Trooper: Marcus Caine

OB Trooper: Khevron Rai

OB Trooper: DarkApocalypse

OB Trooper: Z'Lar Kahn

OB Trooper: Darken Des-Kin

OB Trooper: Jadon Treg

OB Trooper: Pheniox

OB Trooper: Windos Matrix

OB Trooper: Nom Anor

OB Trooper: Zacfer


The following two members of the Dark Element have been promoted to ACO

Nom Anor


Congratulations to both of you guys. Drinks are on you two for the week!

In Closing

Lets go Dark Element. People are beggining to actucally win matches!


OBM CrimsonAngel (Obelisk)/SGT/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow

IWTO-A/LC CrimsonAngel/MC-80b Heisenberg/IW/EH

Tie Defender - CrimsonWing

E-Wing - Vodka

"Fear My HotPants"

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