Dark dudes and dudettes! (TM)
Everyone is to make the feud their first priority. So far we are doing well and have more people on the ladder and more people posting on the run-on than CSK. All members must participate or come up with a very good reason why not. Quaestors, Aediles and Battle Team Commanders - it is up to you to make sure all the members under your command are all aware that this comp is running, and make sure as many as possible get working on it.
All information on the feud can be found at http://cskcspfeud.minos.net/ but some people have said that some of the details are not clear enough. That's why Saitou and I are here. If there is something you don't understand then let us know and we will be only too happy to clarify.
Me? I'll be making sure that GRD Cooch is racking up the points for the ladder. I pulled my back last night which is why this report is late but I'll be lying here shouting at people to play me at JK1. If anyone wants to pick a fight with the CON's clone then just look for Cooch in #CSP! :P
Go get 'em!!
That is all...
KE Cuchulain (Krath)/P:KHP-CON/Clan Scholae Palatinae
"We must use our powers to extinguish the light..."
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